It’s a given that when you volunteer you are helping someone else with something they cannot do for themselves. But have you ever given any thought to what volunteering can mean for you, for your health and well-being? Experts cite that volunteering helps you stay physically active, combats depression, and creates a sense of purpose. One study from the University of Exeter even found that individuals who regularly volunteer have mortality rates reduced by as much as 22 percent.
But we don’t have to rely on experts from Exeter; LifeCare Alliance volunteers share with us every day the benefits they get from volunteering. As a matter of fact, 87 percent of volunteers recently surveyed said they would recommend volunteering with LifeCare Alliance to a friend or coworker.
And, if you need any more evidence, consider what they shared with us about their experiences:
“I love the clients, and I have fallen in love with this program. The clients have become my friends.”
“Delivering Meals-on-Wheels is a wonderful volunteer opportunity for families. We are together in our car, can take turns delivering, and the kids can directly see the people they are helping and the impact they are having.”
“Delivering meals helps me realize how lucky I am that I can help those in need. I’ve met so many wonderful people on my route. Thank you for this opportunity!”
Will you be the next person to Join the Alliance and begin reaping these rewards? Email to get started today.
Additional Articles from the February 2024 Newsletter
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