$5 Million Endowment Match

There has never been a more exciting time to join the LifeCare Alliance Legacy Endowment Campaign! An anonymous donor has generously committed to matching the first $5 Million in endowment gifts, beginning in 2018. As the Agency celebrates a rich history of 120 years, this is an unprecedented opportunity to secure its stability and future for decades to come.

Why Build an Endowment?

LifeCare Alliance continues to take all clients in need, with no waiting lists—but projections show that the growth in need will outpace the Agency’s ability to meet the need, as traditional funding sources continue to erode.  How can LifeCare Alliance position itself to continue to serve all the senior and medically challenged people in need?

2001 Revenue Graphic

2001 Revenue
Serving 7,500 Clients

Government Funding – 81.0%
United Way – 9.9%
Fundraising – 3.7%
Social Enterprise – 0%
Client Contributions – 3.9%
Other – 1.5%

2001 Revenue Graphic

2010 Revenue
Serving 10,000 Clients

Government Funding – 60.4%
United Way – 5.1%
Fundraising – 14.8%
Social Enterprise – 14.1%
Client Contributions – 2.6%
█ Other – 3.0%

2018 Revenue chart

2018 Revenue
Serving Over 20,000 Clients

Government Funding – 48.0%
United Way – 1.7%
Fundraising – 28.0%
Social Enterprise – 18.5%
Client Contributions – 0.8%
█ Other – 3.0%

One answer is to continue to increase our fundraising and social entrepreneurship efforts. These areas represent 37% of our revenues currently, and we hope to increase their contribution to 50%. But, this is a short term goal. We need to develop a more permanent solution to insure our future….the future for the most unique and innovative agency providing BASIC NEEDS services anywhere in the country. The answer, the PERMANENT ANSWER, is to increase our endowment in order to provide PERMANENT funding for our client services.

What is Endowment and How Does it Work?

The Legacy Endowment Campaign is designed to meet existing and future needs of LifeCare Alliance. Funds raised from this Campaign will be placed in specific endowment accounts, managed by qualified professionals. Every year, interest income will be released from each account to address the specific needs and programs for which it was intended. By placing the monies raised through this Campaign in specific endowment funds, we will ensure that your gifts will continue to give for decades.

Campaign Vision

  • To ensure the mission of LifeCare Alliance, and be able to insure the future needs of our 30,000 clients and future clients.
  • To establish a $20 million endowment campaign to benefit the clients of LifeCare Alliance.
  • To provide a means of addressing critical needs facing LifeCare alliance, as it prepares for greatly increased client numbers, while traditional government funding sources continue to erode.
  • To develop an ongoing effort allowing us to give thanks for the many gifts from the generations before us.
  • To create an opportunity for individuals and families impacted by the work of LifeCare Alliance to express their stewardship and leave their legacies in concrete and meaningful ways.
  • To acknowledge as beneficiaries of others’ sacrifices, that we are called to a similar mission; that is, to consider future generations and their needs.


We invite you to partner with LifeCare Alliance to ensure that we can serve all those in need for generations to come, by joining our Legacy Endowment Campaign. The following are some basic questions and answers about the campaign. Of course, you may also reach out to us at any time using the contact information below.

What is the LifeCare Alliance Legacy Endowment Campaign?

The Legacy Endowment Campaign was initiated in 2018 to double the organization’s endowment investment income base, from $10 million to $20 million, by 2025. During that same time period, the number of seniors in Ohio is projected to grow by nearly 47 percent. Because more seniors have lower incomes, live alone, and have a higher prevalence of disabilities, a higher proportion of this older population will experience poverty and will look to us for help.

How is the Legacy Endowment Campaign different from LifeCare Alliance’s previous endowment fundraising efforts?

To help reach this goal, LifeCare Alliance has received an extraordinary $5 million challenge gift from an anonymous donor who will match eligible gifts dollar-for-dollar to the Legacy Campaign. Donors will have the unique opportunity to double both their contribution and LifeCare Alliance’s community impact.

What gifts are eligible for this extraordinary match?

Current gifts of cash, stock, and other appreciated assets are eligible for this match. Future gifts that are specified in wills, and/or other estate planning vehicles such as charitable remainder trusts and charitable gift annuities are eligible with gift documentation.

Why does LifeCare Alliance need to increase endowment income?

Over the past 15 years, contributions received from United Way and support from government funding has decreased precipitously; we predict this trend will only continue. Although we have greatly expanded our annual revenue received from fundraising and social enterprise ventures, we need to ensure that the work we do today for our ever-growing population of seniors can continue uninterrupted into the future.

How will the additional endowment investment income be used?

LifeCare Alliance must remain true to its mission to help those most in need of our programs and services: older adults, as well as people who are homebound, those suffering from a chronic illness, and individuals who are unable to afford traditional care. Today, we support the critical needs of 17,000 clients, but projections show that our ability to serve future clients will be outpaced by demand unless we can expand our revenue base.

How will the $5 million required to meet the match be raised?

To reach the matching gift goal, LifeCare Alliance seeks to raise $5 million from members of the LifeCare Alliance “family” of current and former board members, staff, and volunteers, and from community-minded individuals, businesses, and foundations throughout the organization’s service areas.

What are the terms of gifts to the LifeCare Alliance Legacy Campaign?

Donors who wish to make a significant current gift to the campaign may elect to make a multiyear pledge over a three- to five-year period. Some individuals may choose to make a gift to the endowment that will be realized through their estate plan. We will also be establishing some special named giving opportunities for those who wish to combine a current and future gift to the campaign.

Can I designate my gift?

Yes! You can choose to designate your gift to a specific program of LifeCare Alliance, or allow it to be used where it is most needed. Designated gifts can also be memorialized.

How will the money be invested and allocated?

All funds contributed through the Legacy Endowment Campaign will be managed by professional investment managers retained by the LifeCare Alliance Board of Directors and the Finance Committee, and must operate in compliance with the policies set forth by the Board and the Committee. We are committed to transparency, accountability, and integrity in utilizing endowment funds contributed for their intended purposes. Endowment funds will:

  • generate earnings from which annual distributions will be used to address needs in the areas as designated by the donor.
  • grow with market appreciation and the addition of future contributions from trusts, estates, and cash contributions; as earned income is reinvested, the principal will grow and inflation will be offset.

Is my gift tax deductible?

Yes. Within the provisions of the tax law, your full contribution to the endowment is tax deductible. You will receive a letter of tax documentation for your records. Donors are advised to seek qualified legal and tax advice before establishing any kind of will, bequest, or other deferred gift vehicle.

How will pledges to the campaign be recognized?

All gifts will be acknowledged, in a special recognition publication printed at the conclusion of the campaign. Also, in celebration of LifeCare’s 120th Anniversary in 2018, gifts of $120,000 or more to the campaign will be permanently acknowledged through a named endowment fund. Other recognition plans include newsletter features, website and annual report listings, and newspaper articles.

Who do I contact if I have additional questions?

You can contact Chuck Gehring, President and CEO, or Carrie Burson, Chief Development Officer, at any time.

Chuck Gehring

Carrie Burson

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