Just like in the past, eligible participants will still be receiving $50 in SFMNP funds to purchase locally grown fruits and vegetables as well as honey at community markets and roadside stands. But with a new electronic format, you will have greater flexibility to use your funds, and participating farmers will receive faster payment. Additionally, LifeCare Alliance now will be able to send customized reminders directly to you and share announcements about promotions in your service area.
To accomplish this switch, the Ohio Department of Aging has partnered with “Homegrown Benefits” to build and maintain the new SFMNP app. Read below for more information on how to apply!
How to apply for the SFMNP
ELECTRONICALLY (recommended)
If you opt for this selection, you will spend your 2024 SFMNP benefits entirely through your mobile device. This is the fastest way for you to access your 2024 benefits. You must have an email address to go this route. A cell phone or tablet is NOT required to participate in this new format.
- Go to the Ohio Department on Aging website and complete the online application.
- Once you apply, within 1 to 2 weeks, you will receive an email link support@homegrownbenefits.com that will allow you to access the “Homegrown Benefits – for eFMNP” app.
- The Homegrown Benefits app will be available via the Apple Store as well as the Google Play store. You also will be able to go to https://portal.homegrownbenefits.com/ to access your benefits.
- Once in the app, you will be able to set up your username and password.
After you have set up your account, you can start spending your $50 benefit immediately with participating farmers!
If you opt for this selection, you will receive a Homegrown Benefits “debit” card that you will take with you to the participating community markets and roadside stands. The turnaround time from application to receiving your card via mail from ODA/Homegrown Benefits will be at a later date this summer.
To apply for this option, you will either complete an online application at the Ohio Department on Aging, or you will complete a paper copy application and mail it to LifeCare Alliance, Attn: SFMNP, 670 Harmon Ave., Columbus, OH 43223 for processing. Paper applications are available at the locations where you have gone to receive your SFMNP coupons in the past.
How to use the HomeGrown Benefits Mobile App
Click here to see a step-by-step guide on using the HomeGrown Benefits Mobile App
Eligibility for the 2024 SFMNP Program
You are eligible for this program if you are 60 years of age or older AND meet the below annual household income guidelines:
- 1 person in household, income of $0 – $27,861
- 2 persons in household, income of $0 – $37,814
- 3 persons in household, income of $0 – $47,676
- 4 persons in household, income of $0 – $57,720
You must also reside within one of the participating Central Ohio counties:
- Fairfield
- Fayette
- Franklin
- Licking
- Madison
- Pickaway
- Union

If you do not live in one of the above counties but meet the age and income requirements, please contact the Ohio Department on Aging to see if the Senior Farmers Market Nutrition Program operates in your area: https://ohio.gov/residents/resources/senior-farmers-market-nutrition-program#:~:text=The%20Department%20of%20Aging%20partners,%2C%20income%2C%20and%20geographic%20region.
Additional Help
We know that change can be hard! We want to make sure you have all the tools you need to make the 2024 SFMNP a success for you! Please see below for ways you can get more information:
- LifeCare Alliance will be hosting “office hours” in July at the past SFMNP distribution locations. See below for dates, times, and locations.
- You can call LifeCare Alliance at 614-437-2865 or Central Ohio Area Agency on Aging 1-800-589-7277.
Franklin County:
If you haven’t had the opportunity to apply for the 2024 SFMNP we will be offering office hours to help you understand how to apply.
Where: 670 Harmon Ave. (in Carrie’s Café)
When: Tuesday, July 9 11 am – 1 pm
We will not be distributing anything on this day, office hours are being offered to help you apply and better understand the program changes.
Licking County:
Where: Licking County Aging program
1058 East Main Street
Newark, Ohio 43055
When: By call or drop-in
Fairfield County:
Where: Older Adult Alternatives of Fairfield County
1515 Cedar Hill Road
Lancaster, Ohio 4310
When: By call or drop-in
Union County:
Where: Union County Human Services
940 London Ave, Suite 1800
Marysville, Ohio 43040
When: By call or drop-in
A special office hours will also be held July 10 at Richwood Civic Center 11am – 1pm
22 N. Franklin St.
Richwood, Ohio 43344
Pickaway County:
Where: Pickaway County Community Action Agency
469 East Ohio St.
Circleville, Ohio 43113
When: By drop-in
Fayette County:
Where: Community Action Commission of Fayette County
1400 US 22
Washington Court House, Ohio 43160
When: By call or drop-in
Madison County:
Where: Madison County Senior Center
280 W. High St.
London, Ohio 43140
When: Please call 740-852-3001 to schedule an appointment.
In accordance with Federal civil rights law and U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, and employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, sex, disability, age, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA. Read the full USDA Nondiscrimination Statement.