The Columbus Cancer Clinic is looking for Spanish-speaking volunteers to assist clients who do not speak English.
Volunteers for Groceries-to-Go, which serves CCC clients, would work at our 670 Harmon Ave. location and take calls for clients that speak Spanish. Volunteers in the Columbus Cancer Clinic will work at our 1699 West Mound Street location. With 38 percent of Columbus Cancer Clinic clients speaking Spanish, volunteers are especially needed. Spanish-speaking clients come in on Tuesday afternoons, on Wednesday afternoons, and on Thursdays. On those days, volunteers will interact with Spanish-speaking clients and perform task such as:
- Greet patients at the door in their primary language
- Perform the COVID-19 triage upon arriving for appointments
- Assist patients in understanding the check-in process (Requesting their photo IDs, providing instructions for completing their registration paperwork, etc., but not for medical interpretation.)
- Escorting patients to the exam room and providing instructions for changing to gowns and storing their belongings in a locker
- Make appointment reminder phone calls for patients that did not agree to receiving a text or email reminder (To help reduce our no-show rate)
- Call patients after we receive a referral from their PCP to schedule their appointment (Staff would then enter the appointment information in the electronic health record.)
If you or a friend are bilingual in Spanish and English, please refer to our volunteer page to start Nourishing the Human Spirit today!