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How to Fit Volunteering Into Any Schedule

By August 3, 2022September 16th, 2022Uncategorized

Day-to-day responsibilities can make it seem impossible to incorporate new activities, like volunteering, into your routine. Luckily, hundreds of our volunteers know that even with a busy schedule you can still find time to volunteer. Here are some tried and true methods to fit volunteering into your life:

Volunteer with your colleagues

Visit our Levee Event Center at Franklinton for your next working lunch. Our facilities are available for business meetings, seminars, training workshops, holiday celebrations, and more. Before or after a lunch by our L.A. Catering, participate in team-building activities that benefit the community – volunteer together!

Volunteer with family or friends

Many hands make light work, and volunteering together is an excellent way to spend quality time with the people you love. So consider delivering Meals-on-Wheels before your next lunch date with friends or bring the whole family to help prepare pet food deliveries for the Senior PetCare program. Read more about the benefits of volunteering as a family here.

Volunteer on holidays

LifeCare Alliance delivers Meals-on-Wheels 365 days per year. Start a new tradition with family and friends and sign up to volunteer! Thanksgiving and Christmas Day are festive occasions to deliver a Meals-on-Wheels route, and there is no greater holiday gift than the joy of helping a neighbor in need. Help is needed on EVERY holiday, so next Labor Day, or New Years Day, or Fourth of July…. plan to help Nourish the Human Spirit with a few hours of your day off!

So, whether you find yourself with some free time today to deliver a Meals-on-Wheels route or if you’d like to plan ahead, our expert Corporate & Community Engagement team will create an opportunity that works for you. So don’t delay! Read on to learn how to begin your volunteer journey with LifeCare Alliance.


First – Learn more about volunteer opportunities with LifeCare Alliance.
Then – fill out our Volunteer Application  and  get in touch with our Corporate & Community Engagement Managers to set up a volunteer experience for yourself or your group. Reach them by email at or by phone at (614) 444-6325.
We can’t wait to see you!