According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, over 2 billion people do not have regular access to safe, nutritious and sufficient food.
One of the ways LifeCare Alliance helps to alleviate the challenges of access to food is through our congregate dining centers. Due to COVID-19, this program is currently offered with Grab-and-Go meals at senior residences in Franklin County and a drive-thru service at our signature dining center, Carrie’s Café. In addition to these models of meal distributions, Grab-and-Go events were established throughout the warmer weather months to enrich programming and provide education about voting procedures for the upcoming election.
Thanks to funding from the League of Women Voters, these events have been enhanced through advertising, music, desserts, games, prizes, signs, stickers, voter absentee applications, voter education flyers, and more. This helps to reach more individuals with voter education that is still safe for clients, some of who are the most vulnerable to the coronavirus.
What better way to celebrate a supporter of our nutrition programs than on World Food Day! Every year on October 16, World Food Day brings to light the concerns of food security, with this year’s theme being Grow, Nourish, Sustain, Together. We are sincerely appreciative to funders like the League of Women Voters who help us Nourish the Human Spirit!
-By Stephanie Rowe Bencic, LifeCare Alliance