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Eric Mitchell

All Sides with Ann Fisher

LifeCare Alliance President & CEO Chuck Gehring discusses COVID-19 response with “All Sides with Ann Fisher”

By Featured News, LifeCare Alliance in the News

LifeCare Alliance President & CEO Chuck Gehring was a guest on WOSU Public Media’s All Sides with Ann Fisher this week to discuss the Agency’s activities amid the COVID-19 pandemic.

Here are highlights from his interview (begins at 14:00 time stamp):

LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program has seen a 53% increase in clients – or about 2,300 new clients – as a result of the coronavirus pandemic. We are still accepting all who qualify, and we continue to offer our services without a waiting list. (If you or someone you know is in need of our services, click here to complete a referral application.)

LifeCare Alliance’s new home-delivery clients may be people affected by temporarily closed Senior Dining Centers, or those who may have temporarily lost access to family support because of quarantine and stay-at-home orders. Some new clients receive a weekly drop of frozen meals.

Daily check-ins are a critical part of the Meals-on-Wheels program. Five people were found in distress during the first week of the stay-at-home order. They were able to get help because of the volunteer or staff member who visited to deliver a meal.

The Agency has seen more than 1,200 new volunteer sign-ups in response to the increased need. Some new volunteers are people working from home or college students who are home from campus – people who temporarily have more flexibility in their schedules to volunteer.

LifeCare Alliance asks new volunteers to stay involved if they can, as many prepare to return to their workplaces. (Volunteers who have attended an orientation class can sign up for routes using our Meal Scheduler tool. First-time volunteers can get started by filling out an application online.) Volunteers may want to check with their employers if they would support their volunteer efforts or Adopt-a-Route.

A variety of volunteer opportunities is available, such as pantry drop-offs for our Groceries-to-Go clients and pet food deliveries with our Senior PetCare program.

LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels menu includes new items such as omelets, waffle sticks with blueberry compote, and popcorn chicken. Menus can be customized and options such as kosher, vegetarian, and pureed are offered. Our dietitians can work with your doctor to choose a meal plan if you wish.

The central Ohio community has always been generous, and that has been apparent during the coronavirus pandemic. Emergency funds and other corporate donations have been appreciated as LifeCare Alliance serves a growing number of people in our community.

We encourage all volunteers to be safe, with prevention practices such as wearing masks and observing social distancing.

Click here to listen to the interview!

This segment is part of a Wellness Wednesday episode on All Sides with Ann Fisher. To go directly to Chuck’s interview, skip to 14:00.

Ramp Installed at Home

UPDATE: Home Repairs, New Ramp Improve Accessibility for Veteran Couple

By Featured News, Help-at-Home

Bob and Linda are strong community advocates in Columbus’ South Side Parsons Area Commission.

The married couple’s neighborhood pride pushes them to clean up crime and property damage in their community. But as issues with the roof and porch on their own home worsened, Bob and Linda needed some help. Their roof was damaged and part of their porch was sinking.

Bob served in the U.S. Army during the Vietnam War. Over the years, he and his wife have dealt with several medical issues. He is one of many veterans that LifeCare Alliance is assisting through the Helping Hometown Heroes grant provided by Home Depot and Meals on Wheels America.

“We were in dire need of help and they came to our rescue to help us out,” Linda said. “And now our roof is fixed along with our porch. We just thank you from the bottom of our heart!!”

Bob shared his story with us:

I served in the Army from 1968-1971, doing one term in Vietnam.

When I got out of the service we got the house, and after some years we starting having a lot of issues with the house. We got a hold of LifeCare Alliance through a community meeting we were attending when Maurice talked about the program. LifeCare saved my rear end by coming out and fixing my roof and my dangerously sinking front porch that we were cited for from City Code Enforcement.

Without LifeCare Alliance, there would have been no way I could have afforded to do these repairs unless I hit the lottery or something.

UPDATE: Two years later, a code officer contacted LifeCare Alliance to report that Linda’s health issues were affecting her mobility. He said Linda took a very bad fall of the back porch area.

LifeCare Alliance contacted the couple to see what we could do for them. They asked if we could build some type of ramp off the back porch leading down to the garage to help Linda with her mobility issues.

Linda shared her story with us:

I wanted to thank LifeCare Alliance, The Home Depot and the kind and professional gentleman contractors from B & B Property, who have always taken care of our needs.

After meeting Maurice at one of the association meetings where he spoke about this program, our lives haven’t been the same since. He and his team have been such a blessing to us and allowing us to stay in our home safely. There was no way we could afford to do any of the work that LifeCare and Team Depot has provided us the past two years. I also want to mention our code officer and friend Robert for looking out for us.

LifeCare Alliance clients Bob and Linda


Before Ramp Installation - Porch with steps


Logan poses with a baseball bat

Don’t Let Panic Guide Your Response When Things “Escalate Quickly”

By Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Featured News, It Takes a Family

Wow…has life changed in a month! I just keep flashing back to a meme I saw on social media that read, “well that escalated quickly.” NO KIDDING!

But when I stepped back to think about this crazy worldwide pandemic that we are experiencing, I also think I’ve been through things that “escalated quickly” before.

These things have been scary and life altering, and yet, here I am, still living life to the fullest daily.

When Logan was diagnosed with T1D it felt like one of those things that went in slow motion, but at warp speed all at the same time. My husband, Andrew, is diabetic, and this was his biggest fear in having children. I remember him saying to me “I just don’t want our kids to be diabetic.”

So when he started seeing signs in Logan, I thought for sure it was him overreacting. Logan drank a lot of chocolate milk at night, so of course he would have to go to the bathroom at night. That doesn’t mean he’s diabetic. When I agreed to have Andrew check Logan’s sugar, I thought I was going to be proving my point.

I was wrong.

That’s when I felt like things were in slow motion, but in warp speed. It all of the sudden escalated quickly.

But I say all of that to say this: We’ve been through life-altering, scary things before. True, it was not on a worldwide pandemic level. But tell me someone who DIDN’T have the feeling of your life crumbling around you, just for a minute, when your child was diagnosed with diabetes?

How did you handle that life altering, scary moment in your life? Did you cry a lot? Did you yell? Did you let your “type A” personality kick in and just keep organized and systematic to keep it all together? And after you remember how you handled it, answer this question: Did it work well for you?

If it did—GREAT! Then you know what way works best for you in this situation to get through this.

If it didn’t, you get to make a choice. What will you change TODAY to help you feel more confident in how you respond to our current reality?

There is A LOT of panic in the world right now. And again, you may have had that feeling before in life. I implore you to go back to that moment and think about how it served you in that moment. More times than not, panic just builds the fear and anxiety and makes it more difficult to focus on the facts.

The facts we have, as I see them, are that we get the opportunity to slow down and spend time with our family. We get to catch up with friends in ways that we have never taken the time to do before. We get to show people how to handle fear and anxiety that we have experienced with feeling. Right now, we get to model for people the best way we can to lean into strength and conscious choices, rather than fear and panic.

Finally, let me tell you this: It is still normal, no matter how many scary things you have been through, to still have fear, grief, and a whole multitude of emotions. But you’ve been here before when it comes to the thoughts and emotions of “life is over,” “life will never be the same.”


Don’t push that experience away or downplay it…use it as your superpower.


Family photo of Dunlap family

This blog post is PART FOUR of IT TAKES A FAMILY: LIFE WITH TYPE 1, written by Lindsay Dunlap.

The Dunlap family lives with two generations of T1D, and Lindsay is graciously sharing their experience with us. If you’d like to connect with Lindsay, she’d be happy to talk about the highs and lows with you at

Learn More

Click here to learn more about the Central Ohio Diabetes Association, including support for families through programs such as Camp Hamwi.

Eternally by Matt Munhall

By Meals-on-Wheels
Esteemed musician Matt Munhall wrote and recorded the song “Eternally” for LifeCare Alliance in 2010.
In the song, the agency’s tagline, “Nourishing the Human Spirit,” rings true both for the client being served and the volunteer who gives of herself to care for others.
The message in this song is dear to our Agency. Click the play button above to hear the song, and read along with the lyrics below.


(©2010 Matt Munhall, Parker MacDonell)

Billy’s standing in his doorway at noon
When up the driveway comes Mary
Thinks to himself she’s not a moment too soon
He knows the treasure she carries
And he says,
“Ah, Mary, what would I do without you?
I just don’t know what I’d do”
And she says,
“I need you
Like you need me
I bring you bread and though it’s hard to see
When I feed you
You feed me
You nourish the spirit within me, eternally”
Sometimes it’s hard to find good souls that care
God bless the hearts that are giving
If not for them, I wonder who would be there
Who would keep the hungry souls living?
Ah, Lord, what would we do without you?
I just don’t know what we’d do
I need you
Like you need me
I bring you bread and though it’s hard to see
When I feed you
You feed me
You nourish the spirit within me
When you find yourself thinking
About all you’re not
Make your heart like Mary’s and give it all…
Give it all you got…cause someday
I’ll need you
Like you’ll need me
When you bring you bread and company
I’ll feed you
As you feed me
I’ll nourish the spirit within you, eternally

Why Schedule Your Annual Mammogram?

By Columbus Cancer Clinic, Featured News

Why schedule your annual mammogram?

Mammograms are one of the best ways to detect breast cancer–detecting abnormalities/cancer at its earliest possible point.

Many breast cancers are found by mammograms before any symptoms even appear. Early detection is important for improved outcomes and successful treatments.

Because breast tissue changes with age, annual mammograms are highly recommended for men/women of 45 years of age and older. Depending on pre-existing health conditions and family history, women/men may need to start the annual screening process earlier – for that information, please consult a doctor.

Reduce your risk for cancer by getting regular checkups!

To schedule an appointment with our certified nurse practitioner, call the Columbus Cancer Clinic at 614-263-5006.

To learn more about the Columbus Cancer Clinic:




Information from

LifeCare Alliance Working to Keep Seniors Fed During Coronavirus Shutdown

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published April 6, 2020, by nbc4i:

Seniors and those with compromised immune systems are among some of the most vulnerable at this time. LifeCare Alliance is now serving up to 7,000 meals a day to meet the growing need.

As the need for Meals-on-Wheels increases, LifeCare Alliance asks that more volunteers step up.

Click here to read the full story.

Ohio State Highway Patrol Steps in to Help Deliver Meals on Wheels

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published April 2, 2020, by WBNS-10TV:

LifeCare Alliance depends on more volunteers as the demand for Meals-on-Wheels increases. With a large number of regular volunteers now falling into the vulnerable category for COVID-19, there are fewer volunteers.

The Ohio State Highway Patrol recognizes the growing need for the daily, essential meal and check, and steps up to serve!

Click here to read the full story.

Fun Quarantine Ideas to Pass The Time

By Wellness

Looking for other fun, safe ideas to pass the time?

  • Call or video chat with friends and family (via Zoom, Skype, FaceTime)
  • Listen to music, a podcast, or an audio book
  • Look through old photographs/items that hold sentiment
  • Play a board or card game
  • Learn a skill you’ve always been interested in via YouTube/online tutorials
  • Crochet, knit or sew
  • Move your body – take up Yoga, go for a walk/run, take an online workout class
  • Clean out an old closet/cupboard – organize your home
  • Try a new recipe – cook or bake something new
  • Make/create something for your home by following a DIY (do it your own) online tutorial
  • Do a puzzle
  • Read a new book or reread an all-time favorite

*List compiled by Nurse Julie Poirier

For more ideas visit:

LifeCare Alliance Keeping Meals-on-Wheels Rolling With Extra Volunteers

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published March 30, 2020, by ColumbusCEO:

LifeCare Alliance is now offering a daily volunteer training to meet the growing demand of Meals-on-Wheels. With the recent closing of all 40 dining centers, 800 clients will now have their meals delivered.

This new effort has been possible because of the many volunteers who have stepped up. Because of the critical need, additional volunteers and donations are greatly needed.

Click here to read the full story.

Meals on Wheels Needs Help During Coronavirus Pandemic

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published March 20, 2020, by abc6:

LifeCare Alliance will continue to offer meals to home-bound seniors even amidst the Coronavirus pandemic. “The demand for Meals-on-Wheels has gone up dramatically,” said Chuck Gehring, President and CEO of LifeCare Alliance.

As the demand for Meals-on-Wheels increases, Lifecare Alliance counts on their thousands of volunteers to step up and serve their central Ohio neighbors.

Click here to read the full story.

Volunteer Bill Abbott loads Meals-on-Wheels delivery bags into his vehicle.

Columbus Dispatch: No Quarantine on Good Deeds Amid Coronavirus

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published March 19, 2020, in the Columbus Dispatch:

LifeCare Alliance has made changes to the program that serves 5,000 meals a day on 165 routes to shut-ins in multiple counties. The changes include not requiring people to sign for their meals (to limit contact) and drivers picking up food and paperwork outside the nonprofit’s headquarters in Franklinton.

But even in these uncertain times, not one of the agency’s thousands of volunteers have said they would stop delivering.

Click here to read the full story.

From our President & CEO: COVID-19 Update for LifeCare Alliance Volunteers and Supporters

By Featured News, Help-at-Home, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteers

June 8, 2020 UPDATE


Meals-on-Wheels numbers continue to grow.  Our food production and delivery teams continue to amaze.  

  • Meal delivery has increased by 68% since March 1st.
  • The number of home delivered meal clients increased by 54% since March 1st.
  • Most meal service starts within 24 hours of receiving the contact or referral.
  • We continue to receive numerous requests for services daily, and we CONTINUE TO ACCEPT ALL THOSE WHO QUALIFY.  This contrasts with a recent survey by Meals-on-Wheels of America which reports that 55% of programs nationally have increased their already existing waitlists, with 22% of programs’ waitlists having doubled or more.
  • Meals delivered by week for the past several weeks are:
    • Week of 5/31-6/6  =  25,884
    • Week of 5/24-5/30  =  25,065
    • Week of 5/17-5/23  =  25,423
    • Week of 5/10-5/16   =  25,315
    • Week of 5/3-5/9  =  25,190
    • Week of 4/26-5/2  =  24,998
    • Week of 4/19-4/25  =  23,622
    • Week of 4/12-4/18  =  22,489
    • Week of 4/5-4/11  =  20,839
    • Week of 3/29-4/4  =  19,857
    • Week of 3/22-3/28  =  18,571
    • Week of 3/15-3/21  =  16,413
    • Week of 3/8-3/14  =  15,752
    • Week of 3/1-3/7  =  15,439

 The Columbus Cancer Clinic continues to add new families in need of pantry service.  Almost all pantry items are being delivered to client homes.

  • This represents a 53% increase in the number of individuals served since January and 77 new families.
  • The Columbus Cancer Clinic restarted regular mammograms Monday, May 18.
  • Total clients served by the CCC pantry:
    • January = 974 individuals with 10 new client pantry families
    • April = 1,492 individuals with 27 new client pantry families

The Central Ohio Diabetes Association camps will be held as VIRTUAL CAMP in 2020, and have developed a number of interesting activities.  Campers will be divided into small groups like their “cabins” and work with their counselors.  Staff is planning potential in person activities for later this year.

Wellness is restarting several services including Wellness Centers.  TeleHealth will continue, but Wellness Centers began seeing clients last week, in a safe manner.

Meals-for-Kids—We expect sites to begin reopening for summer. 

Our Senior Farmers’ Market will continue with coupons being mailed, instead of holding a distribution day.  The farmers will deliver the produce to us in bulk and we will deliver it, or clients can pick up. 

Senior PetCare continues to deliver pet food to clients in need for their dogs and cats.

L.A. Catering has developed several “take out” and new methods of delivering a safe catering, so please use them for your upcoming reopening and graduation events.  Everything can be individually boxed.  I hope you will use our LA Catering as you plan your events.

IMPACT Safety is providing on line programming in a number of areas.


We continue to receive new volunteers each day, and have received 1,500 new volunteer applications online since March 16. Volunteers have insured that all meals, pet food, and pantry items are delivered. We still need more as many are returning to work.   


LifeCare Alliance President & CEO Chuck Gehring appeared on the Columbus Metropolitan Club virtual meeting on Wednesday, May 13 at noon, along with Dr. Lisa Courtice, CEO of United Way of Central Ohio. The moderator was Colleen Marshall of WCMH NBC4. The topic was “Nonprofits’ Frontline Response”. If you missed this, simply go to the Columbus Metropolitan Club website and click on the May 13 event. It is also rerun on some cable channels. Other media coverage can be found here.

Previous updates

March 23, 2020 Update

Dear friends,

Today, Meals-on-Wheels drivers and volunteers are sharing stories from the front lines, as they serve those most in need. We want to share a couple of these stories with you, our most faithful supporters.

“Clients have cried with gratitude when receiving their meals – they weren’t sure if we would be continuing with our deliveries.”

“Upon arriving to a home, I [volunteer] heard a client yelling for help. I called 911 and waited for the EMT to arrive. Once inside the home, I saw that the client was lying on the floor unable to get up.”

Your generosity makes this possible and we are grateful!

Yesterday, Governor DeWine announced a “Stay at Home” Order, beginning at 11:59 pm tonight. You may have questions about what this means for LifeCare Alliance and our critical daily services. Governor DeWine and the Federal government acknowledge our services as essential, which must go on. We will continue to provide food and basic needs services to home-bound neighbors. In fact, the need for Meals-on-Wheels continues to increase daily from multiple sources:

  1. individuals who are shifting from congregate dining center sites to now receive home-delivered meals,
  2. older adults who are temporarily home-bound due to COVID-19 precautions,
  3. and most recently, neighbors with developmental disabilities who typically attend adult day programs, but have been temporarily closed.

We have implemented significant changes to our services over the past week, taking steps for staff to work remotely, reducing or suspending non-essential tasks, and making modifications to essential tasks to ensure the maximum amount of precaution possible. As always, we invite you to stay connected and informed through our website, and via Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram.

Volunteers—we still need you!

Healthy adults who can deliver meals are key to the success of caring for homebound neighbors during this time. THANK YOU to the hundreds of people who have already stepped up to serve.  You are so valued and so needed, and we are grateful for your commitment and compassion to the most vulnerable in our community. Please take a moment to review the most current procedures and updates below for Meals-on-Wheels and Groceries-to-Go pantry deliveries.

Donors—we still need you!

Many of you have already stepped up so generously to give an extra gift to help support the increased demand.  THANK YOU! With your help, we are on the frontlines of this pandemic, and quite literally the hands and feet that are providing life-sustaining services. If you would like to make a donation, you may do so by:

  1. Giving online at:
  2. Sending a check to: LifeCare Alliance, 1699 W. Mound Street, Columbus, OH 43223

Thank you for standing with us during this most critical time to ensure that we can continue serving those most in need in our community.

Your partner in Nourishing the Human Spirit,

Charles W. Gehring,
President & CEO


To ensure that basic needs are met, while also implementing as much social distancing as possible, volunteers are temporarily approved to knock/ring the doorbell and leave the meal at the door—with visual confirmation that the client receives the meal.

  • Exceptions:
    • If you encounter a client who is too frail to reach all the way down to retrieve the meal from the front doorstep, please assist that client with moving a small chair/table outside for future deliveries, thus reducing future contact.
    • If you encounter a client who is bed-bound, please proceed with direct hand-off.
  • Temperature Checks: Due to the shortage of thermometers, we ask that volunteers check their temperature from home before arriving to volunteer.
  • We continue to need volunteers to delivery daily. We have established rapid response volunteer training sessions to help onboard new volunteers quickly and seamlessly.
    • New volunteers can begin by completing our online application here and attending an 11:00 am training at 670 Harmon Avenue, Columbus, OH 43223. Training will occur daily and volunteers may have the opportunity to deliver a route that day if there are openings.
    • Existing volunteers can sign up for an open route at any time online at:
  • The Groceries-to-Go food pantry has moved to curbside pick-up and home delivery Monday – Friday, and is also in need of volunteers.  Volunteers are needed for both delivery and packing and preparation, and can apply and get started via the process noted above.


  • As telehealth options increase, our staff is putting measures in place to ensure that wellness and diabetes consultations can take place by phone.
  • Columbus Cancer Clinic activities have been modified so that essential functions like diagnostic screenings and food pantry assistance can continue. Non-essential screenings and activities have been suspended.
  • Help-at-Home services have been significantly reduced or modified to provide only essential tasks with as much precaution as possible.
  • Carrie’s Café is closed until further notice.
  • Congregate Dining Centers are closed and clients are now being moved to home-delivered meals.


  • Please continue to observe the recommendation that volunteers not involve children in delivery at this time. If you must bring children on the route, please ensure that they stay in the car and not go up to the door.
  • If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your route or volunteering, please contact us at or 614-437-2891.
  • If you have known exposure, or are experiencing or exhibiting symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, according to the CDC—fever, shortness of breath, cough—we ask that you please stay home and not risk exposing others to possible illness. Please notify us via Meals-on-Wheels Scheduler, or the above contact information if you need to cancel.
  • Please practice the recommended precautions from the CDC – proper hand washing for at least twenty seconds, covering coughs/sneeze with your arm, staying home when sick, and avoiding exposure to others who are sick.

March 19, 2020 Update

To LifeCare Alliance Volunteers and Supporters:

We continue to navigate daily adjustments for COVID-19 precautions. Our highest priority is maintaining the most critical basic services for those who need daily food and care, while making necessary changes to modify or temporarily suspend non-critical services. Volunteer and program updates are ever-changing, and staff are preparing for increased work-from-home capacity wherever possible. Please take a moment to review our most recent update below and stay informed by visiting our website and following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram to stay informed.


The need for Meals-on-Wheels continues to increase daily—both from our congregate dining center clients who are now receiving home-delivered meals, and from an increased need in the community from older adults who are temporarily home-bound due to COVID-19 precautions.  To ensure that basic needs are met, while also implementing as much social distancing as possible, volunteers are temporarily approved to knock/ring the doorbell and leave the meal at the door—with visual confirmation that the client receives the meal.


    • If you encounter a client who is too frail to reach all the way down to retrieve the meal from the front doorstep, please assist that client with moving a small chair/table outside for future deliveries, thus reducing future contact.
    • If you encounter a client who is bed-bound, please proceed with direct hand-off.


    • If you have a concern for the well-being of a client, please report that to Meals-on-Wheels staff by:
      • Making a note on the delivery record.
      • Completing an observation report.
      • Calling the driver supervisors at 614-437-2891.

Temperature Checks coming soon! We are working to get thermometers onsite, and will begin taking temperatures upon entry to all of our buildings.

We continue to need volunteers to delivery daily. We have established rapid response volunteer training to help on-board new volunteers quickly and seamlessly.

  • New volunteers can begin same-day by completing our online application here and attending a 11:00 am training at 670 Harmon Avenue, Columbus, OH 43223. Training will occur daily for any new volunteers to join that day.
  • Existing volunteers can sign up for an open route at any time online at:

The Groceries-to-Go food pantry has moved to curbside pick-up and home delivery. Volunteers are needed for both delivery and packing and preparation, and can apply and get started via the process noted above.


  • As telehealth options increases, our staff is putting measures in place to ensure that wellness and diabetes consultations can take place by phone.
  • Columbus Cancer Clinic activities have been modified so that essential functions like diagnostic screenings and food pantry assistance can continue. Non-essential screenings and activities have been suspended.
  • Help-at-Home services have been significantly reduced or modified to provide only essential tasks with as much precaution as possible.
  • Carrie’s Café is closed until further notice.
  • Congregate Dining Centers are closed and clients are now being moved to home-delivered meals.


  • Please continue to observe the recommendation that volunteers not involve children in delivery at this time. If you must bring children on the route, please ensure that they stay in the car and not go up to the door.
  • If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your route or volunteering, please contact us at or 614-437-2891.
  • If you have known exposure, or are experiencing or exhibiting symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, according to the CDC—fever, shortness of breath, cough—we ask that you please stay home and not risk exposing others to possible illness. Please notify us via Meals-on-Wheels Scheduler, or the above contact information if you need to cancel.
  • Please practice the recommended precautions from the CDC – proper hand washing for at least twenty seconds, covering coughs/sneeze with your arm, staying home when sick, and avoiding exposure to others who are sick.


Thank you to those who have already stepped up to support!  We are truly in this together as a community—and our staff and clients are feeling that sentiment in very real ways right now.  While our staff is being stretched daily to implement new procedures to ensure that those most in need receive care during this time, we are also acutely aware that there has never been a time in recent history where critical missions like ours has been at the center of national discussion.  People everywhere are getting a small glimpse of what home-bound neighbors face daily.

  • Volunteers are our biggest need right now.  If you are able to help, please sign up to volunteer through the process indicated above.
  • Like many in our community, we are already seeing significant impact from the implications of COVID-19, by way of revenue losses, cancellations, etc.  If you would like to make a donation, please do so by:

Your partner in Nourishing the Human Spirit,

Charles W. Gehring,
President & CEO

March 16, 2020 Update

To LifeCare Alliance Volunteers and Supporters:

As COVID-19 continues to spread, and officials continue to recommend increased social distancing and closures, LifeCare Alliance is monitoring the situation.  We are making adjustments to critical nutrition and health services that we provide daily.  As you know, our clients are among the most vulnerable in our community—and thus, the need for our services to continue is paramount.  Thank you for your continued support to ensure that those most in need can receive basic needs during this time.  Please take a moment to review our most recent update below to learn how we are continuing to both protect and provide for the wellbeing of our clients, staff, and volunteers.  You can also see current updates by visiting our website and following us on FacebookTwitter, and Instagram to stay informed.


  1. Most core programs and services are currently still operating, within the recommended parameters set by our state and local officials. As long as we are able, we plan to continue services, with an emphasis on the most basic needs, such as food.  As service changes arise, we will continue to keep our community updated, and communicate specifically with impacted service areas.  Agency and program leadership is continuing to put both process and reporting protocols in place, to ensure that we can make any necessary modifications going forward.
  2. Current program closures/alterations:
    • Carrie’s Café is closed, effective Monday, March 16, 2020.
    • Congregate Dining Centers will be closed by Tuesday, March 17, 2020. Dining center clients will have the option to receive home-delivered meals.
    • Our Groceries-to-Go food pantry is taking steps to move completely to curbside pick-up and home delivery. Additional details will be provided soon.


  1. We have received guidance from our regulatory bodies and funders.  In the interest of public health, Meals-on-Wheels programs statewide have been given permission to temporarily suspend the customer signature requirement at time of meal delivery.  This means that the volunteer’s signature on the delivery record will suffice until the risk level lessens.  As the situation continues to develop and evolve throughout central Ohio, we will keep you all posted through email and delivery record alerts.
  2. Medical experts have shared that children can be carriers, even without exhibiting symptoms, so we recommend that volunteers not involve children in delivery at this time. If you must bring children on the route, please ensure that they stay in the car and not go up to the door.
  3. We continue to need volunteers to delivery daily. We have established rapid response volunteer training to help on-board new volunteers quickly and seamlessly.
    • New volunteers can begin same-day by completing our online application here and attending a 10:00 am training at 670 Harmon Avenue, Columbus, OH 43223. Training will occur daily for any new volunteers to join that day.
    • Existing volunteers can sign up for an open route at any time online at:


  1. Should meal routes or other activities be further altered, we will proactively communicate with volunteers who are scheduled or impacted by the change. Please watch for future updates. If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your route or volunteering, please contact us at or 614-437-2891.
  2. If you are experiencing or exhibiting symptoms consistent with Coronavirus, according to the CDC—fever, shortness of breath, cough—we ask that you please stay home and not risk exposing others to possible illness. Please notify us via Meals-on-Wheels Scheduler, or the above contact information if you need to cancel.
  3. Please practice the recommended precautions from the CDC – proper hand washing for at least twenty seconds, covering coughs/sneeze with your arm, staying home when sick, and avoiding exposure to others who are sick.


  1. Volunteers are our biggest need right now. If you are able to help, please sign up to volunteer through the process indicated above.
  2. Like many in our community, we are already seeing significant impact from the implications of COVID-19, by way of revenue losses, cancellations, etc. If you would like to make a donation, please do so by:

Times like these shine a spotlight on the critical importance of LifeCare Alliance’s services—today and every day—and we are grateful for your partnership. YOU make it possible to uphold our mission and to care for central Ohio neighbors most in need. Thank you for your care, concern, and commitment during this unprecedented time.

Your partner in Nourishing the Human Spirit,

Charles W. Gehring
President and CEO

March 10, 2020 Update

A Special Message to LifeCare Alliance Volunteers and Supporters:

Thank you for being on the front lines of serving our homebound seniors each day throughout central Ohio.  As the state of Ohio now has confirmed cases of COVID-19, we want to share an important update with you as we continue to closely monitor the risk and spread of the coronavirus.

We continue to take important steps to plan for possible scenarios, and receive daily updates from the Ohio Department of Health, Franklin County Board of Health, and Columbus Public Health.  Our leadership team is in regular communication with necessary partners and parties to keep a pulse on the situation and risk.  Please take a moment to read a few important updates below.

  • All agency programs are currently operating normally and we do not anticipate a disruption in services. However, out of an abundance of caution, we are planning for contingency scenarios, as well as taking appropriate precautions to ensure the health and well-being of our clients, as well as our dedicated staff and volunteers.
  • Should meal routes or other activities be altered, we will proactively communicate with volunteers who are scheduled or impacted by the change. Please watch for future updates, should we have new information to share.  If you have specific questions or concerns regarding your route or volunteering, please contact us at or 614-437-2891.
  • If you are experiencing or exhibiting symptoms consistent with the coronavirus, according to the CDC — fever, shortness of breath, cough — we ask that you please stay home and not risk exposing others to possible illness. Please notify us via Meals-on-Wheels Scheduler, by email at, or by phone at 614-437-2891 if you need to cancel for your route.
  • Please practice the recommended precautions from the CDC — proper handwashing for at least twenty seconds, covering coughs/sneezes with your arm, staying home when sick, and avoiding exposure to others who are sick.

Like many of you, we are concerned for those most vulnerable among us, many of whom are the clients we serve.  Know that we are committed to serving our clients as long as we are able, while taking steps to modify or alter service deliver if/when necessary.  Thank you for your shared concern.  We will provide future updates as new information becomes available.

Your partner in Nourishing the Human Spirit,

Charles W. Gehring,
President and CEO

Click the photo above for information on COVID-19 from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control & Prevention.

Click the Franklin County Public Health logo above for local COVID-19 updates.

with us

For the most up-to-date information on LifeCare Alliance programs, including any announcements and service adjustments, click here to follow us on Facebook.

Two volunteers carry styrofoam containers to their car.

Fox 28: Central Ohio Meals on Wheels volunteers on the frontlines during coronavirus pandemic

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story broadcast on March 13, 2020, on Fox 28:

Senior citizens are most at risk for Coronavirus, so people are doing everything they can to keep them safe. Among those on the frontline, thousands of “Meals on Wheels” volunteers in Central Ohio.

Josephine Jeffries said the deliveries mean the world to her.

“It’s so hard for me to walk. I am 93 years old and it’s been a real blessing. Everybody who delivers food is so friendly,” said Jeffries.

Click here to read the full story.

NBC4i Reporter Adrienne Robbins

NBC4i: Meals on Wheels Delivers Food to Seniors Amidst Coronavirus Crisis

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story broadcast March 11, 2020, on NBC4i:

The threat of the Coronavirus has organizers with Meals on Wheels already making plans just in case the virus comes to Columbus.

Organizers with Lifecare Alliance say they’ve had meetings for the last few weeks making sure they’ve got a plan in place to make staff and seniors stay safe.

Chuck Gehring is the CEO of the Lifecare Alliance. He said he’s been calming staff fears all week. “Everyone is on edge. Concerned. I tell our volunteers the people they’re delivering to. They’re going to be the last ones who are going to be attacked by this,” said Gehring.

Click here to read the full story.

Logan playing basketball

A Network of Support Away from Home

By Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Featured News, It Takes a Family

How do you manage the stress and anxiety of your child’s diabetes management when you aren’t there?

Let’s face it, as much as we would like to be in control 24/7, it is nearly impossible. Even if you are a stay-at-home parent, you still have to send your child to school! It is overwhelming to think about how many adults our children interact with who may need to support them if something were to happen. Teachers, school nurses, school aides, bus drivers, babysitter/daycare provider, coaches/instructors, friend’s parents, grandparents, aunts and uncles. The list can probably go on and on.
But there are two keys that have helped me ensure my child is getting the best possible care and helps keep stress and anxiety down.


I am in the camp that believes overcommunicating is better than assuming. When Logan was in kindergarten, I wrote down a list of “free” snacks he could have and the serving size. In 1st grade, when his diabetes was progressing out of the “honeymoon” phase, I sat down with his teacher and the school nurse. I explained what his body was going through (the best I could anyway!) And from day one, I have always packed his lunch and sent a “carb sheet” that tells the carbs for everything in his lunch and the total. I try to take the guess work out of it.
I also requested the school nurses email me every day with his blood sugars. It was great for me before he was on his pump to see the numbers each day so I could make adjustments, not just get the records every once in a while.
And you know what I learned from being so open about my communication? I have an ARMY of people who care deeply about my son!
Logan has an infectious smile and he thinks he’s smarter than he is…but these people really do CARE. And I may not have seen that if I was not willing to be proactive and develop these partnerships for his care. We are truly blessed with great people in his life.


This may seem like a no-brainer, but as parents we want to do everything we can to protect our children. And sometimes we make their lives harder because of it. But Andrew and I have made a conscious effort to not sugarcoat anything with Logan, because it isn’t helping him in the long run. So when Logan goes to a friend’s house, we go over the expectations of when to check and when to call/Facetime me to check carb counts. He is still only 8, so this is not a fool-proof plan and I still give parents far more information than they would probably like (please refer to key 1, LOL!). But we want him to know now that it is a responsibility to take seriously.

Bonus: Gratitude

This is probably the thing that makes these steps so much easier to take on. Express your gratitude to that long list of adults for caring so deeply for your child. Express gratitude to your child for paying attention and making healthy food choices or opting out of the popcorn at the movies with Nana because his sugar is already high (a personal grateful moment!)
This disease is not easy. It can be overwhelming. It can be scary. It can be anxiety inducing. But when you recognize some of the small things that you can impact…do them, unapologetically. And never forget the gratitude.


Family photo of Dunlap family

This blog post is PART THREE of IT TAKES A FAMILY: LIFE WITH TYPE 1, written by Lindsay Dunlap.

The Dunlap family lives with two generations of T1D, and Lindsay is graciously sharing their experience with us. If you’d like to connect with Lindsay, she’d be happy to talk about the highs and lows with you at

Learn More

Click here to learn more about the Central Ohio Diabetes Association, including support for families through programs such as Camp Hamwi.

LifeCare Alliance Announces 2020 Volunteer Recognition Dates

By Carrie's Cafe, Columbus Cancer Clinic, Events, Fan Campaign, Featured News, Help-at-Home, IMPACT Safety, Meals-on-Wheels, Senior PetCare, Volunteers

Each year, we take the time to thank our outstanding volunteers who embody our motto of “Nourishing the Human Spirit.”

Our volunteer base is the heart of LifeCare Alliance, and the work that volunteers do is so valuable to our Agency and our clients alike. More than 100 volunteers are needed every single day to deliver Meals-on-Wheels, run errands, assist with light housekeeping tasks, assist at a Senior Dining or Wellness Center, serve on a board, make favors for our clients, or help in the office.

Volunteers come together as individuals, corporations, families, and groups with the energy and enthusiasm needed to carry out the mission of LifeCare Alliance. Because of the volunteer base, LifeCare Alliance is able to continue serving clients without a waiting list, keeping homebound older adults and individuals with a medical challenge or disability safe, independent, and in their own homes — where they want to be!

Below is information on the locations, dates and times of recognition events throughout our service area. Please join us!


LifeCare Alliance Recognition
Monday, April 27, 2020 — 5:00 – 7:30 p.m.
L.A. Catering Event Center, 670 Harmon Ave. Columbus, OH 43223

Columbus Cancer Clinic/CODA/Help-at-Home/IMPACT Safety
Monday, April 20, 2020 — 11:00 – 1:00 p.m.
L.A. Catering Event Center, 670 Harmon Ave. Columbus, OH 43223

Logan County Recognition
Tuesday, April 14, 2020 — 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Hilliker YMCA, 300 Sloan Blvd. Bellefontaine, OH 43311

Champaign County Recognition
Tuesday, April 7, 2020 — 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Champaign County Library, 1060 Scioto Street Urbana, OH 43078

Marion County Recognition
Thursday, April 23, 2020 — 12:30 – 2:00 p.m.
Marion Senior Center, 2375 Harding Hwy E, Marion, OH 43302

Dining Center Recognition
Wednesday, April 1, 2020 — 11:00 – 1:00 p.m.
L.A. Catering Event Center, 670 Harmon Ave. Columbus, OH 43223

Madison County Recognition
Tuesday, May 5, 2020 — 4:00 – 6:00 p.m.
St.Patrick’s Church, 61 S. Union St., London, OH 43140

ABOVE: Longtime supporter and volunteer John McHugh with his Spirit Award.

LifeCare Alliance Partnership with Broadway Cares Supports HIV Services

By Featured News, POHC

LifeCare Alliance’s Project OpenHand-Columbus program provides nutritionally appropriate meals to central Ohio individuals living with HIV and/or AIDS as well as medical nutritional therapy to those with a dual-diagnosis of HIV and diabetes. With these services, clients can free up expenses to address the costs of maintaining their disease and live life more abundantly.

With Project OpenHand-Columbus’s focus on helping the low-income as well as under or uninsured HIV/AIDS population, we have found clients face multiple barriers to accessing food and nutrition, including, but not limited to, financial, cognitive, physical/mobility and support system. In 2019, 90% of program clients were living on an annual income of less than $20,000.

With limited income, clients are typically unable to obtain food meeting their dietary, medical, or cultural needs. When clients have a dual diagnosis of HIV/AIDS and diabetes, they have further complications addressing their health and ability to pay for medications, treatment, housing, and groceries. Even though significant medical advances have turned HIV/AIDS diagnoses from being death sentences to being treated more like a chronic illness, some clients are still socially isolated with a fractured family system, leaving them alone in combating their disease.

We would not be able to serve those with HIV/AIDS without the help of supporters like Broadway Care/Equity Fights AIDS. Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS helps men, women, and children across the country receive lifesaving medications, health care, nutritious meals, counseling and emergency financial assistance. Since 1988, Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS has raised more than $300 million for essential services for people with HIV/AIDS and other critical illnesses through donations collected in those red buckets. If you have ever been to a Broadway touring production at your local theatre, you probably have seen red buckets at the exits/entrances of the different seating areas and have witnessed cast members from the production talk about Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS. If you live in central Ohio and have attended a show at the Palace or Ohio Theatres, you probably have heard them give a shout-out to LifeCare Alliance and Project OpenHand-Columbus!

Without funding partners like the Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS, LifeCare Alliance would not be able to serve our central Ohio neighbors with responsive, compassionate, and quality care.

To find out how you can make an impact in our Project OpenHand-Columbus clients lives, click here:

Learn more about Broadway Cares/Equity Fights AIDS by visiting

Dunlap children playing video games

Dealing with Mom Guilt During Diabetes Journey

By Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Featured News, It Takes a Family

You know what comes with a child who is diabetic. MOM GUILT. And I guess it’s more so parent guilt, but as mom’s we like to feel like we’re special.

But that guilt starts when you are presented with the diagnosis. The thoughts start running through your head, “what did I do wrong?” “Was it something I did when I was pregnant?” “I should have caught it sooner, maybe we could have done something!” All of those thoughts we know LOGICALLY are all untrue. But emotions are so much stronger than logic sometimes, and we feel like we have put our child in this position.

Then, there is the guilt around watching them poked and prodded every day. My son, Logan, wanted nothing to do with an insulin pump for almost two years after he was diagnosed. I think mostly because he saw his daddy take shots and prick his finger every day, so that was “normal” to him, he wasn’t about to try something unknown right now. And Logan was amazing and at six years old refused to allow anyone else do his shots but him. But the pit in my throat each time I had to wake him up because he fell asleep early to take his insulin, and the meltdowns that would ensue were perfect for the “mom guilt” to build up.

Or, when he wanted to go to a friend’s house, and I had to talk to the parents and explain that he was diabetic and that he couldn’t really have any snacks. And then the guilt of almost getting his sugar higher than I would like it, just to avoid him going low when I wasn’t around. Guilt, Guilt, Guilt.

But…when those moment of guilt came up, there were almost always moments of intense PRIDE. I am proud of Logan because he still gets up every day to be a regular kid. The only person that is going to give him limitations is me, and he is sure to tell me that too! He was giving himself 5-6 shots a DAY at the age of SIX!!! How could I NOT be proud of that kid!

So, when those emotions come; when the guilt, or the anger or sadness come up, remember:

You get to choose how you feel.

You get to choose whether or not you want to feel that way.

And no matter what you choose, it doesn’t make you any less of an amazing parent.

You get to choose how long you feel that way. When you are thinking how it’s not fair, and that makes you feel sad or guilty.

How willing would you be to try something different?

What if you thought: “how can I make my son/daughter know I love them today?” How does that make you feel?

I would encourage you to go with that. It’s going to do you both a lot of good.


Family photo of Dunlap family

This blog post is PART TWO of IT TAKES A FAMILY: LIFE WITH TYPE 1, written by Lindsay Dunlap.

The Dunlap family lives with two generations of T1D, and Lindsay is graciously sharing their experience with us. If you’d like to connect with Lindsay, she’d be happy to talk about the highs and lows with you at

Learn More

Click here to learn more about the Central Ohio Diabetes Association, including support for families through programs such as Camp Hamwi.

Community Wellness Center client Fleeter

Wellness Centers link clients with accessible, affordable care

By Featured News, Wellness

This year, LifeCare Alliance will celebrate 50 years of providing wellness services, a milestone that is significant for the Agency as well as tens of thousands of clients who have been served over the decades.

Community Wellness Centers, located throughout Franklin County, have a wide reach for clients such as Ms. Fleeter, who regularly visits the Community Wellness Center at Marion-Franklin Community Center.

Ms. Fleeter has been a client for more than six years and attends exercise classes taught by Registered Nurse Barb Parker, has her blood pressure checked, and receives foot care services that prevent her from more-frequent visits to her podiatrist.

Ms. Fleeter has formed a bond with Nurse Barb. “I think she’s so nice,” she said. “She’s really sweet. I like her.”

The exercise classes taught by Nurse Barb are especially beneficial, Ms. Fleeter says.

“It helps me because my fingers sometimes get stiff. Barbara tells us plenty of things to do to loosen up your hands. ‘You’ve got to use them,’ she says. Best thing she says for your hands is washing dishes. Well, I say I sure do enough of those!”

Ms. Fleeter, who says she worked as a chef at a local hospital for more than 35 years, visits the Community Wellness Center as much as twice a week. Without the Community Wellness Center, she would need to make more frequent visits to her doctor, which would cost more money. Ms. Fleeter is also concerned about driving a longer distance because with freeway construction, driving to the doctor’s office can be confusing.

But it’s the trust Ms. Fleeter puts in Nurse Barb that keeps her coming back. Sometimes, she says, she finds herself sharing more with Nurse Barb than she does with her doctor.

“I think Barbara is  greater than my doctor!” she says.

To learn more about LifeCare Alliance’s Community Wellness Centers, visit

Learn more

Click here to learn more about LifeCare Alliance’s wellness services, including Community Wellness Centers.

Family photo of Dunlap family

The Road to a Type 1 Diagnosis

By Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Featured News, It Takes a Family

When Logan was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes in January 2018 at the age of six, it kind of felt like “what else is going to happen to us?!” My husband Andrew, who is also Type 1 diabetic, had been involved in a farm accident in December 2014 and lost his left leg. We had been facing one uphill battle after another with his recovery, including 2 battles with MRSA. At the time of Andrew’s accident, we had Logan, who was three, and his sister, Addison, who was just 4-months old. I worked full-time and I was thrust into the role of a full-time caregiver along with the role of wife and mother. Now, just as we felt like we were turning a corner, Andrew just knew something wasn’t right.

So, we traveled that heart-crushing road of tests and diagnosis. We went to the lab for blood work where we had to hold Logan down while he screamed because he was so scared. We spent the night in the hospital and explained to him that he was going to take shots like Daddy did.

Don’t get me wrong, I am eternally grateful that we had as much knowledge as we did about this disease and that Logan has his “role model” of a dad to see that he can do this. But it felt like life was kicking us when we were down. Especially when Logan says, “I don’t want to be diabetic anymore.” I mean, insert the dagger right in Mommy’s heart!

But rather than let this journey of life break me down and define me, I chose to let it empower me. I was not going to allow myself, and my family, to be victims. I chose that these experiences in life, as challenging and mind-blowing as they were, gave me the gift of being a caregiver. And the gift to support and empower other parents and caregivers who are experiencing all of these frightening unknowns and don’t know how to manage it all.

Fast forward to 2020: Logan is eight, he played football for the first time last fall and is just getting started on his Omnipod pump! Andrew has been back to work on the farm. Addison is five and will make a fabulous nurse or doctor some day with all the medical stuff she has seen! And I am driven to empower and educate with our story and my message. No matter how unfair or awful it may seem, let your story empower you.


This blog post is PART ONE of IT TAKES A FAMILY: LIFE WITH TYPE 1, written by Lindsay Dunlap.

The Dunlap family lives with two generations of T1D, and Lindsay is graciously sharing their experience with us. If you’d like to connect with Lindsay, she’d be happy to talk about the highs and lows with you at

Learn More

Click here to learn more about the Central Ohio Diabetes Association, including support for families through programs such as Camp Hamwi.

Our Corporate Adopt-a-Route Partners

By Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteers
  • Abbott Nutrition
  • Add Ventures
  • Alliance Data
  • Alvis
  • American Electric Power
  • American Structure Point
  • Arbors West
  • ARC Industries
  • Ashland Chemical
  • Aspen Community Living
  • Assurex Global
  • A2Z
  • Bailey Cavalieri
  • Barnes & Thornburg LLP
  • Bath & Body Works
  • Belle Springs Nursing & Rehabilitation
  • Big Lots!
  • Byers Auto
  • Byers Mazda-Subaru
  • Cardinal Health
  • CBRE
  • Century 21
  • Champaign Transit System
  • Char’s Market
  • Chase Brooksedge
  • Chase Polaris
  • Cheryl & Co.
  • Choice Properties
  • Citibank
  • City of Bellefontaine
  • Clear Path Benefits
  • Cleverley & Associates
  • CMax Advisors
  • Cogburn Electric
  • Columbia Gas
  • Columbus Business First
  • Community Partners
  • Corna Kokosing
  • Cover My Meds
  • Crown Appraisal Group
  • Diamond Hill Investments
  • Donato’s/Grote Co.
  • Downsize Farm
  • DSW
  • Ease Logistics
  • Ernst & Young
  • Everhart Advisors
  • Findley
  • Fitness Loft
  • Flexco Fleet
  • Franklin Co. Residential Services
  • Goodwill Columbus
  • Grange Insurance
  • HER Realtors
  • Hollywood Casino
  • Homeside Financial
  • Huntington National Bank
  • Hurt-Battelle Memorial Library
  • Hylant Group
  • IEG Plastics
  • Indus Hotels
  • JAG Healthcare
  • Jefferson Industries Corp.
  • Jet Container
  • Key Bank
  • Kimball Midwest
  • Kindred Nursing & Rehab Marion
  • KPMG
  • Krazy Glue
  • LifeCare Alliance
  • Logan County Auditor’s Office
  • Loth Inc.
  • Loving Care Hospice
  • Madison Health
  • Mettler Toledo
  • Madison County DJFS
  • Marca Industries
  • Marion Technical College
  • Morgan Stanley
  • Motorists Mutual Insurance Group
  • National Church Residences
  • Nationwide Insurance
  • Nexceris, LLC
  • Nissen Chemitec America
  • Ohio State University
  • OSU East Hospital
  • Palmer-Donavin
  • PCS
  • Performance Chrysler-Jeep-Dodge
  • Priority Designs
  • QSCC
  • Quantum Health
  • Quest Federal Credit Union
  • Resourcing Edge
  • RTC Industries
  • Rumpke
  • Safelite AutoGlass
  • Savings Bank of London
  • School Employees Retirement System of Ohio
  • Sherwin Williams
  • Sika Corporation
  • State Auto
  • Staples
  • Think CSC
  • Turner Construction
  • Unicon
  • UPS
  • Verizon
  • Vertiiv Company
  • Weldon
  • Walmart
  • Washington Prime
  • Westerville Public Library
  • Worthington Industries
  • Zest Juice Co.
View of water damage on ceiling

Army widow’s roof repair a ‘blessing’ thanks to LifeCare Alliance, MOWA, Team Depot

By Featured News, Home Repairs

Ms. Marcum is a 95-year-old widow of a U.S. 2nd Battalion Army Ranger veteran who served from 1944-1946. When she needed help with a leaky roof that posed a safety challenge in her mobile home, she turned to LifeCare Alliance.

With the help of Team Depot and Meals on Wheels America, LifeCare Alliance made the roof repair so Ms. Marcum could navigate her home safely.

“I have been a widow for over 40 years now and it’s been a challenge when it comes to repairs to my mobile home,” Ms. Marcum said. “My roof has been leaking for about 4 years but has been getting worse over the years.  I had been asking everyone about getting my roof fixed but no one would do any work on mobile homes… I surely didn’t have the money to pay someone to fix it.”

After receiving a flier about LifeCare Alliance’s partnership with Team Depot and Meals on Wheels America on the Helping Homebound Heroes program, she called for help.

“I couldn’t believe it when you guys said you could fix it for me,” she said. “Not only fix it for me but I didn’t have to pay any money for it. That was a blessing for me.”

Ms. Marcum was grateful for the assistance.

“I just want to thank you, Home Depot and the great contractors from America’s Choice Construction. They were wonderful for all you done for me.”



“I don’t know what I would have done without you guys because the roof was getting worse by the day. By you doing this work it has truly calmed my nerves and you know that I’m 95 years old and it was getting hard on me.”

-Ms. Marcum, on her experience with the Helping Homebound Heroes campaign

Columbus Cancer Clinic logo

New Year Will Bring Optimism for Columbus Cancer Clinic client

By Columbus Cancer Clinic, Featured News

The year 2020 will get off to an optimistic start for cancer survivor Marvin Thomas.

Marvin’s cancer journey led him to the Columbus Cancer Clinic in 2019. Six years earlier, he had been feeling ill at work. One day Marvin came home and called his brother to tell him how he had been feeling. His brother came to his home, but when he arrived he found Marvin unconscious. It wasn’t until a week later when Marvin woke up. He had fallen into a coma and then was on life support for two weeks. The team of physicians at Mount Carmel West found out Marvin’s aorta was dissected and that he needed surgery to repair it. After being hospitalized for ninety days, Marvin was released.

During a post-surgery exam, Marvin’s physician recommended that he go to the Cleveland Clinic for more repairs to his heart. Five months later, he was back at the Cleveland Clinic for heart surgery. This time they could not operate down the front of his chest; they had to enter through his side and back. The physician said it was great that he came when he did because his aorta had started leaking again.

Marvin was once again on the road to recovery. From 2014-2017 he had to travel to Cleveland for routine heart check-ups. During one of his visits, the doctor saw what appeared to be a spot on his lung. Marvin questioned what it could be – because he has never been a smoker – and the doctor said it looked like cancer but for him to return in three months to see if it grows. It turned out, Marvin’s doctor was right. So he was scheduled for surgery to remove the tumor and 1/3 of his lung. The physician assured Marvin that he was cancer-free by the end of 2017.

During his monthly appointment, another tumor was discovered, but this time the cancer was more aggressive, which required him to undergo radiation and chemotherapy for nine weeks. Marvin began his cancer treatment on February 14, 2019, at Riverside Hospital. That is when the nurse navigator referred him to the Columbus Cancer Clinic.

CCC took Marvin by the hand and continued his cancer journey by his side. He received a Gift of Kindness to have his car repaired, was invited to participate in the Night of Hope and Support, and his was one of the families adopted for Christmas.

“This was one of the most wonderful times of my life,” he said of participating at Night of Hope, a fashion show and fundraiser for the Columbus Cancer Clinic. “Hearing the crowd cheer for me was like being on cloud nine. I have never been in a situation like that before in my life.”

Marvin said that the one thing he feels especially thankful for is the support system and the life-long friends he has made.

Meals-on-Wheels logo

Changes ahead for Meals-on-Wheels volunteers

By Featured News, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteers

Volunteers should take note of a few changes coming to LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program in the first quarter of 2020.

Route names

In January, the existing route names of the Meals-on-Wheels will be changing. This is due to a significant software change with our client database. There are some great things that will come with this:

  • Route names will be more intuitive to where they are picked up. For instance, if you currently deliver V402, which picks up at Epworth United Methodist Church, the new route name will be FEPW2. This is short for Franklin – Epworth – 2.
  • Routing will be done on a daily basis using geolocation based on active customers for that day and (relatively) real-time traffic. This will allow us to be more precise with the structure and flow of our routes.
  • Once these new route names are fully established, we will share with you the new name for each of the existing routes.

Electronic delivery records

For the last few months, we have been piloting electronic delivery records with a majority of our weekday Meals-on-Wheels routes that pick up at Harmon Avenue. To do this, we are providing tablets enabled with the “Mobile Meals” application, as well as real-time consumer and directional data. This application will replace the paper delivery records that you currently use. We are preparing to roll out the tablets and application to all of our routes throughout early 2020. There are some fantastic things that come with this:

  • You will be able to get real-time directions for your route via the tablet.
  • You will be able to enter notes to the office regarding your route and consumers on your route that we will receive from you electronically in real-time.
  • We will be reaching out to everyone relatively soon with training information on how to use the tablets and the application. We also will share information on in-person training sessions that we will offer for those who would like a more hands-on training.

Learn more

For more information on these changes, call 614-278-3152 or click here to contact Nutrition Programs Director Molly Haroz.

Columbus Cancer Clinic Surpasses 2,000 Mammograms in 2019!

By Columbus Cancer Clinic, Featured News

As of December 2, 2019, at 9:30am, the Columbus Cancer Clinic provided 2,000 mammograms, surpassing all previously set records for the Clinic in mammography!

The Columbus Cancer Clinic is a Medicare and Medicaid certified clinic that provides cancer prevention and education through head-to-toe cancer screenings and breast imaging services that include screening/diagnostic mammograms, breast ultrasounds, and breast biopsies. The program assists individuals in central Ohio through its outreach and education efforts. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of clients who visited last year had no insurance coverage. In 2018, the screening program 1,215 mammograms, diagnostic, and biopsies and provided 643 cancer screenings. Eighty-eight (88%) of clients are under the age of 50 while 97% are women and 3% are men.

The Columbus Cancer Clinic also provides a Home Care Support program to clients in active treatment for cancer who reside in Franklin County and live below 150% of the Federal Poverty guidelines. These services include assistance with medical supplies and equipment, medication, transportation to and from cancer-related medical appointments, groceries, wigs and breast prostheses, nutritonal supplements, and housing assitance in emergencies, often keeping clients out of homelessness. In 2018, the Home Care Support program served 747 clients. Seventy-three (73%) of clients are above age 50 while 55% are female and 45% are male. The Columbus Cancer Clinic began in 1921 and is the oldest freestanding cancer clinic in the United States. The Agency merged with LifeCare Alliance in 2005.

Thanks in large part to the funding the Columbus Cancer Clinic receives from Susan G. Komen Columbus, the clinic has the resources to help women navigate the often complicated system of care to access life-saving mammograms and early detection.

The Columbus Cancer Clinic stands apart from other community programs in its ability to eliminate the unique and varied barriers to breast health services faced by at-risk women during the continuum of care navigation. The ability to provide diagnostic on-site after receiving their screening mammogram is a tremendous barrier reduction because women do not have to be referred to another facility. Avoiding a referral to an outside location ensures women feel comfortable and have a positive experience during a time that be overwhelming.

Doing everything possible to remove the barriers women face, such as financial, linguistic, or transportation, the Columbus Cancer Clinic meets clients where they are. Clients also often face educational barriers about how to use newly obtained insurance coverage and how to navigate through the health care system. A quality navigation program like the Columbus Cancer Clinic has in place helps all patients have improved outcomes to reduce health disparities.

If you or someone you love needs services, call (614) 263-5006 to book an appointment.


LifeCare Alliance Program Helps Frequent 911 Callers Access Meals, Other Services

By LifeCare Alliance in the News

Photo and story published December 12, 2019, by The Columbus Dispatch:

LifeCare Alliance receives a three-year, $750,000 grant from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services to further partnerships with local fire departments and health-care providers, improving access to care and eliminating the frequent, unnecessary emergency calls.

This grant allows LifeCare Alliance to expand services to meet the needs of the community, while also preventing “frequent flyers” of the health-care system – keeping people out of nursing homes, and in their own homes.

Click here to read the full story.

LifeCare Alliance is excited to announce a new funding partner with our Chores program, the HomeServe Cares Foundation.

By Featured News, Home Repairs

The Chores program oversees repairs to help improve clients’ living environment by providing safety and health-related such as electrical and plumbing maintenance, grab bar and railing installations, and floor and drywall repairs. These home repairs improve an older adult’s health and quality of life as well as help to prevent costly accidents and injuries, which could adversely affect their health and financial welfare.

HomeServe USA is an independent provider of home repair service solutions. For over a decade, they have helped homeowners in the U.S. and Canada protect against the expense and inconvenience of home repair emergencies by managing affordable coverage, and offering a quality service. Recognizing the need to reach out to organizations that serve low-income individuals in the areas they operate, the organization developed the HomeServe Cares Foundation and began accepting grant requests in 2019. LifeCare Alliance was one of three grant recipients nationwide in the second cycle of applicants!

Available funding for the Chores program typically disperses quickly, and there are limited sources that support this type of social service solely for older adults. Oftentimes, home repairs are costly one-time expenses and older adults living on a retirement or social security cannot afford the repairs themselves. The Chores program fills a unique gap in the client populations lives by providing home repair projects. The program continuously works with trusted contractors that have a reputation of treating the older adult population with dignity, integrity, and respect to implement the program’s activities.

Without funding partners like the HomeServe Cares Foundation, LifeCare Alliance would not be able to serve our central Ohio neighbors with responsive, compassionate, and quality care.

Sponsor-a-Pet this Holiday Season!

By Featured News, Senior PetCare

LifeCare Alliance is offering a new opportunity to help clients and their four-legged friends this holiday season. Supporters can now Sponsor-a-Pet through our Senior PetCare program. Here are a couple ways you can contribute:

Option 1

If you would like to make a monetary donation to sponsor a pet, $100 will provide food, treats and updated vaccines for a year, but all donation amounts are greatly appreciated!


Option 2

Sponsor-a-Pet this holiday season by purchasing items from our Amazon Wish List. Have the items sent directly to our offices or put together a gift box of goodies from our Amazon Wish List, and our Senior PetCare volunteers will deliver them to your pet pal! If you are interested in delivering gift boxes, you may also consider volunteering to do an Animeal Route (Senior PetCare Route).


For more information or volunteer opportunities, contact Danielle Visconti at or at 614-437-2947.

Senior PetCare helps LifeCare Alliance clients by helping them meet their pets’ basic needs. The program is powered by donations and volunteers, who package and deliver pet food and supplies throughout Franklin County. Click here to learn more about this program.

Safelite AutoGlass Foundation Grants $25,000 for Unfunded Meals

By Featured News, Meals-on-Wheels

New grant funding from the Safelite AutoGlass Foundation will allow LifeCare Alliance to deliver more than 3,500 meals to clients for whom traditional funding does not exist.

Funding for nutrition services to low-income, underserved populations is typically linked to eligibility requirements such as age. Oftentimes, individuals who are most in need of consistent, nutritious meals do not meet these requirements. Additionally, a senior or medically challenged individual may qualify for a hot meal at lunch, but they may require help to prepare their dinner due to mobility, financial, and/or support system limitations.

The $25,000 Impact Grant that LifeCare Alliance received from the Safelite AutoGlass Foundation will provide 3,571 unfunded client meals. This is a critical safety net for clients who need an increased level of service where other community support does not exist. Meals-on-Wheels continues to expand based on growing need in the community, and the Agency is dedicated to accepting all clients in need, regardless of the presence of a funding source for their meals.

In addition to the support from its foundation, Safelite AutoGlass also partners with LifeCare Alliance through volunteer efforts. In fact, this past Wednesday, a number of Safelite employees volunteered in our Groceries-to-Go nutritional program. Groceries-to-Go provides both fresh and shelf-stable food, personal hygiene products, and household cleaning supplies to clients of the Columbus Cancer Clinic living with active cancer. In 2018, the program provided 46,503 meals to 382 clients and their families. Volunteers help stock shelves and shop for clients.

This group of dedicated volunteers also donated $2,000 to purchase turkeys for the Groceries-to-Go nutritional program to distribute to clients for Thanksgiving. We are so thankful for their willingness to Nourish the Human Spirit, especially during the holidays when many may not be able to afford their own turkey.

Safelite AutoGlass also adopts a Meals-on-Wheels route each week and has faithfully delivered since April 1, 2011. Over the course of a year, Safelite employees volunteer 1,040 hours and deliver 3,900 meals. As of their 8-year anniversary on April 1, 2019, Safelite has saved the Agency around $100,000 because each meal route delivered by volunteers instead of a paid driver adds up to $12,000 annually.

Safelite AutoGlass’s support of LifeCare Alliance’s nutrition programs is truly an investment in the community: the health and nutrition services the Agency provides play a key role in keeping clients safe and independent in the comfort of their own homes. AARP calculates that Ohio taxpayers fund nursing home care at an average annual cost of $78,840 per person. By serving these same individuals at a fraction of that cost, LifeCare Alliance saves taxpayers money while serving the community. For example, when the Agency helps to keep 100 clients in their home, Ohio taxpayers save more than $7.8 million. These services equate to a multi-billion dollar effect on the community.

LifeCare Alliance clients also average five fewer days a year in hospitals than those with comparable demographics, saving funds which equate to the cost of more than five years’ worth of client meals. When clients receive consistent, nutritious meals, potentially debilitating and costly health outcomes are prevented, leading to lower rates of hospitalization. Providing clients with their most basic need — food — regardless of their ability to pay for services, allows these individuals to better manage their finances. This ensures that clients no longer face the difficult decision between paying rent/mortgage to remain in their home and buying groceries to feed themselves. LifeCare Alliance’s services are vital in preventing unnecessary homelessness, hospitalization, and institutionalization.

Food 911: How Meals-on-Wheels Redefines Population Health

By Diabetes Education, Featured News, Help-at-Home, Meals-on-Wheels, Wellness

In September 2019, LifeCare Alliance was awarded a 3-year $750,000 grant from the United States Department of Health and Human Services’ Administration on Community Living (ACL) to expand our innovative model of care. While this model has been piloted and in progress since June of 2018, the grant will allow us to increase internal case management and referral infrastructure, collect health outcome data to measure the effectiveness of LifeCare Alliance interventions, and complete a thorough evaluation of collected data. Once concluded, LifeCare Alliance will publish and disseminate the findings to seek reimbursement for our holistic, one-stop-shop service model. Ultimately, the goal is to produce research that will allow for replication of our model across the nation.

Certainly, agency volunteers, staff, and supporters know firsthand the incredible impact of our services, as they partner in serving clients 365 days a year; however, the ability to quantify the successful outcomes and results will pave the way for future sustainability, relevance, and leverage in the ever-changing healthcare industry. This innovative network of referrals and information sharing is for clients who frequently depend on emergency services for basic needs.  This innovation is critical to ensuring that members of our community can age safely in place through a collaborative approach to care.

Meet Jerry and Marsha:

Jerry and Marsha, who live with the challenges of diabetes, were referred by their physician for an in-home consultation with LifeCare Alliance’s registered dietitian.  The couple, 74 and 68 years old, respectively, deal with many health concerns that began about a year ago. During that time, Marsha suffered a collapsed lung during surgery.  A month later, she tried the surgery again, but this time it was even worse—her organs began to shut down and her surgery was delayed again.  During Marsha’s healing process, they learned that Jerry needed back surgery and a pacemaker.  Because Jerry was Marsha’s only caregiver, this presented a challenge. That’s when Marsha contacted LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program to sign up for the frozen meal program.

 “Meals-on-Wheels saved us,” said Marsha.  “Jerry and I are both diabetic, and we learned we could have a registered dietitian come to our home to help with meal planning as clients of LifeCare Alliance, we both took advantage of the service.  Now we know how to take control of our carbs and plan our meals with confidence.”

Jerry and Marsha are one story of many positive outcomes of Food 911: How Meals-on-Wheels Redefines Population Health. The impact of remaining together, independent, and in their own home—where they want to be—is significant, especially during this holiday season.

Meet the Faces of Innovation:

Molly Haroz, Director of Nutrition Programs, and Melinda Rowe, Wellness Services Director, are part of the incredible team at LifeCare Alliance that is implementing this innovative project. Understanding the challenges that many of our older adult neighbors face every day to maintain a healthy independent lifestyle, with dignity in the comfort of their own homes, the two directors have worked closely together to lay the groundwork that led to receiving the grant.

We know that the need is great!  There are still many in our community—including older adults, medical professionals, first responders, and insurance and health systems—who are not yet aware of this innovative approach. We are eager to continue spreading the word to help intercept those who are managing chronic, or even crisis, health situations. During the pilot process, we have seen that the majority of these citizens call 911 or visit the nearest emergency room to receive help with food, home repairs, etc.—services which hospital or paramedics are unable to fulfill. LifeCare Alliance’s goal is to make sure that our neighbors in need do not slip through the cracks, as they navigate complex health situations. By partnering with local fire departments and healthcare providers to refer “frequent flyers” or repeat visitors for ongoing in-home services, we are able to welcome new clients through our comprehensive array of health and nutrition programming.

Randy Little, Fire Chief of the Jackson Township Fire Department in Grove City, Ohio said of the initiative, “we have seen anecdotally how valuable LifeCare Alliance’s services are to our township residents and we look forward to continuing to grow and enhance our partnership, especially since we’ve seen such improvements in the lives of those we have referred to LifeCare Alliance.”

Tim Hill, Regional Manager-Ohio East of American Health Network of Ohio, LLC, said, “our patients come to our providers repeatedly for the same types of injuries that could have been prevented with proper nutrition, homemaking help, or even simple home repairs such as grab bar installations.  We have found that when needs are met, elderly patients often can function safely in their own homes without making multiple visits to our healthcare facilities on a weekly or monthly basis.”

Our heartfelt thanks to you, our supporters, who help make it possible for LifeCare Alliance to be innovative in meeting the needs of more than 30,000 clients each year. We look forward to sharing continued updates about the progress of this exciting project!

Senior Petcare

How to Select a Charity for Year-End Gifts

By Featured News, Legacy

The end of the year is a common time for charitable giving. For many, the question isn’t whether to give, but how to designate a gift to have a significant impact on the community.

In central Ohio, there are hundreds of non-profit organizations helping to make Columbus the city it is today.  The first step in making sure your donation makes an impact is to research organizations. This may sound like a daunting task, but is not as difficult or as time-consuming as you might imagine.  Take advantage of information from organizations like Guidestar, Charity Navigator, and the Better Business Bureau. These are widely trusted sources for information about non-profit organizations across the United States. You can search by cause and location to find local non-profits that align with your giving objectives.

Now that you have the names of organizations that interest you, it’s time to learn more about the charity you plan to support. Determine whether the services provided will make the community a better place.  Is the charity sincerely making a difference in our society? Once you have researched the organization, consider the following points before you sign the check:

  • Determine whether the organization is mission-driven.
  • Make sure it fiscally sound.
  • Review the Agency website.
  • Look into speaking with the organization’s CEO or staff.
  • Tour the organization or participate in a volunteer activity to learn first-hand about the organization.
  • Consider what is important to you, such as what your passion is and what motivates you as a donor.
  • Find out whether the organization has a good standing in the community.
  • Determine what percentage of your gift will pay for overhead.

Once you have made your decision, remember to trust your instincts.  Take a moment to examine whether the charity you have selected has secured future funding for the clients they represent.  Investigate whether the charity offers a gift-matching program or has an ongoing endowment campaign.  If the organization has implemented a gift-matching program, this can be enticing to the donor and it presents an opportunity to amplify year-end gifts of cash, checks, securities to endowment funds, or provisions in an estate plan.

Remember: Take time to research the charity you have selected. Some work in the beginning could save you time, but more importantly it could allow your gift to impact many lives of in our community.

Camp Hamwi camper Samantha

White Castle Foundation a longtime supporter of CODA youth diabetes camps

By Central Ohio Diabetes Association, Featured News

Nov. 14 is World Diabetes Day, and what better way to celebrate than to highlight a longtime supporter of the Central Ohio Diabetes Association’s camp programs, the Ingram-White Castle Foundation.

Since 1951, the Ingram-White Castle Foundation has been providing “nourishment to those throughout central Ohio who hunger for knowledge, independence, and self-sufficiency.” The Foundation further believes that young people should be able to realize their full potential. At CODA’s camp program, children with diabetes experience all of the above.

CODA camp programs include:

  • Camp Hamwi, the weeklong, residential program for children ages 7-17
  • Stepping Stones Camp, a transitional day camp with one overnight outing for children ages 8-12 new to the summer camp experience
  • Kids Day Camp for children ages 3-7, and their parents.

At camp, participants learn to manage their disease, avoid its complications, and improve their health with the education and skills they learn. Camp programs teach skills that significantly decrease the risk of heart attacks, strokes, amputations, kidney disease, and vision loss. These risks can be reduced by up to two-thirds if detected early. There are many components to managing diabetes and preventing its progression, but none more important than education provided in a way that individuals grasp and use. Without the education necessary to care for one’s condition, diabetes will progress.

One such child that has benefited from multiple CODA camps is Samantha. Samantha was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes when she was only 9 months old. She grew up without knowing many other kids with diabetes, but that experience changed when she went to Stepping Stones. Samantha shares, “At Stepping Stones, I learned that I’m not the only diabetic, and there are other people that are going through the same thing as me.” Her experience at Stepping Stones laid such an impact on her that she has gone on to attend Camp Hamwi for the last few years.

Because of supporters like the Ingram-White Castle Foundation, campers like Samantha are able to develop a personal diabetes management plan that includes a healthy meal plan, regular physical exercise, regular checks of blood glucose levels, and taking diabetes medications as prescribed. Also, as Samantha mentioned, going to camp helps children with diabetes no longer feel isolated, and gives them an environment where they can cultivate friendships that last a lifetime.

Thank you to the Ingram-White Castle Foundation for helping children with diabetes live their best life!

LifeCare Alliance joins Subaru, Meals on Wheels America to Share the Love

By Featured News, Meals-on-Wheels, Press Releases

LifeCare Alliance is proud to announce that it will be participating in the 2019 Subaru Share the Love Event as a member of Meals on Wheels America – one of four national Share the Love charitable partners supported through the campaign. From November 14, 2019, through January 2, 2020, Subaru of America will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased to the customer’s choice of participating charities.

“We are proud to partner with Subaru of America for another year of Share the Love,” said LifeCare Alliance President & CEO Chuck Gehring. “Their enthusiastic support is invaluable as we continue to serve all eligible clients in need.”

Participating Meals on Wheels America members, like LifeCare Alliance, will receive a share of the donation raised by Subaru in their state. LifeCare Alliance has partnered with Central Ohio Subaru Dealers to raise awareness for the popular year-end sales and giving event, and drive support for Meals on Wheels.

“Meals on Wheels America is proud to partner with Subaru of America for the 12th consecutive year to enable more seniors to live with independence and dignity,” said Ellie Hollander, President and CEO, Meals on Wheels America. “Since 2008, the Subaru Share the Love Event has helped deliver more than 2.2 million meals and friendly visits to vulnerable seniors nationwide. We’re enormously grateful to Subaru and its retailers for their long-standing commitment to Meals on Wheels and the millions of seniors who depend on it for nourishment and companionship.”

Over the last 11 years, Subaru of America and its participating retailers have donated more than $145 million to its charity partners. This year’s Subaru Share the Love Event is on track to bring that total to over $170 million, proving there’s no limit to the amount of love we can all share.

LifeCare Alliance will receive a share of funds raised through Subaru of America’s Share the Love campaign.


This November 14, 2019, through January 2, 2020, for every new Subaru vehicle purchased or leased, Subaru will donate $250 to the customer’s choice of participating charities.* Meals on Wheels is one of four national participating charities and has been since the inception of the event. Through this event, as a member of Meals on Wheels America, LifeCare Alliance will receive a share of the donation from Subaru vehicles sold at participating Subaru Retailers.

You might not be in the market to purchase a new car, but if you are, please look into the Subaru Share the Love Event to learn more. If you’re not shopping for a new vehicle, you can still help by spreading the word to your family and friends. A few quick and easy ways to do that:

And remember: this holiday season you can ensure our senior neighbors are not forgotten, when you purchase or lease a new Subaru and select Meals on Wheels as your charity of choice.

For more information, visit

*Disclaimer: Subaru will donate $250 for every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased from November 14, 2019, through January 2, 2020, to four national charities designated by the purchaser or lessee. Pre-approved Hometown Charities may be selected for donation depending on retailer participation. For every new Subaru vehicle sold or leased during the campaign period, participating retailers will donate a minimum of $50 in total to their registered Hometown Charities. Purchasers/lessees must make their charity designations by January 15, 2020. The four national charities will receive a guaranteed minimum donation of $250,000 each. See your local Subaru retailer for details or visit All donations made by Subaru of America, Inc.

UPS Foundation awards $5,000 grant for Meals-on-Wheels program

By Featured News, Meals-on-Wheels

LifeCare Alliance is the proud recipient of a $5,000 grant from the UPS Foundation to upgrade technology for the Meals-on-Wheels program.

UPS employees graciously volunteered their time for LifeCare Alliance in 2018, helping to feed hungry seniors. UPS employees participate in the corporate “Adopt-a-Route” program by covering a Meals-on-Wheels route one day per week. Each meal route delivered by a volunteer instead of a paid driver saves the Agency $12,000 annually. LifeCare Alliance qualified to apply for this funding because of the considerable contributions of local UPS employees to the Agency.

Earlier this week, LifeCare Alliance welcomed UPS employees to our Harmon Avenue location. They volunteered their time to deliver three frozen meal routes and prepare meal bags in our distribution kitchen.

Over the course of 2018, 67 volunteers delivered 1,302 meals and accumulated 208 hours of service. In addition to the Meals-on-Wheels route coverage, another local UPS employee group visits Carrie’s Café quarterly for a meeting and lunch in the morning and volunteering in the afternoon. Some from that group work in the Meals-on-Wheels distribution kitchen to assist packing the meal bags with meals, beverages, fruit, and sides. Others in the group assisted with the Senior PetCare program, breaking down food into manageable five pound bags for delivery and distribution to clients with pets. This group of volunteers gave an additional 36 hours in 2018. Overall, the UPS associates volunteered over 240 hours of their time to LifeCare Alliance, and the Agency greatly appreciates their service to our clients. As a result of UPS employees’ donating their time in this way, LifeCare Alliance became eligible to apply for funding from the corporation’s charitable arm, the UPS Foundation. We are thrilled to partner with the foundation to make capital improvements in our Meals-on-Wheels program, which will allow for increased efficiency and effectiveness.

Meals-on-Wheels provides nourishing food and a daily visit to older adults and individuals living with a medical challenge and/or disability in central Ohio. The program delivers approximately 5,000 meals a day and provides meals for children in day care and after-school programs. Individuals in these vulnerable populations often face financial, physical, and support system barriers, which put them at risk for hunger, chronic health issues, and/or social isolation. The provision of home-delivered meals addresses these barriers by providing nutritious, delicious food and socialization to clients, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay for such services. In addition to healthy food access, these clients receive health and nutrition education and linkage to community resources and other LifeCare Alliance programs to ensure that their needs are met holistically. Examples of these include the Senior PetCare program, which delivers pet food to the homes of clients and provides veterinary care to pets in need, and the Beat the Heat Fan Campaign, which supplies box fans during the hot summer months.

The overarching goal of LifeCare Alliance’s health and nutrition programs is to keep clients safe and independent in the comfort of their own homes, where they ultimately want to remain as long as possible. AARP estimates that Ohio taxpayers fund nursing home care at an average annual cost of $78,840 per person (Genworth Cost of Care Survey 2017). By serving these same individuals at home for a fraction of that cost, the Agency saves taxpayers money while serving the community. When individuals receive the appropriate nutrition levels and health assessments, potentially debilitating and costly health outcomes are prevented and circumvented.

An increasing number of employees state that being able to give back to the community is a leading factor in choosing the company for which they will work; LifeCare Alliance offers this unique volunteer program for central Ohio employers to provide this opportunity to their employees. Volunteer engagement is one of the strategies LifeCare Alliance uses to increase its organizational and programmatic effectiveness. Volunteerism promotes relationship building, community engagement, and a healthy work-life balance for employees, while giving them the opportunity to give back. The Agency has emerged as a national leader in volunteer engagement, merger collaborations, and social entrepreneurship. Because of these efforts, LifeCare Alliance is one of few nonprofits in major metropolitan areas in the country still accepting qualified clients in need without a waiting list.

We salute UPS and the UPS Foundation for the generosity of their time in helping us Nourish the Human Spirit.

UPS employees volunteer with LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program.

UPS employees load frozen meals for delivery to LifeCare Alliance Meals-on-Wheels clients.

UPS employees prepare delivery bags for LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program.

Thanksgiving Pie Sale is back at Carrie’s Cafe!

By Carrie's Cafe, Events, Featured News, LA Catering

Carrie’s Cafe is offering delicious 10-inch pies for sale this holiday season. The following three pie flavors are available to purchase:

  • Apple $9
  • Pumpkin $9
  • Sweet Potato $9

All proceeds from holiday pie sales are invested back into LifeCare Alliance to support older adults, medically challenged and disabled individuals in central Ohio.


Pie orders are due by Wednesday, Nov. 20, 2019.

Use the online form to order or call 614-437-2982 Monday through Friday between the hours of 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. You may also stop by Carrie’s Cafe during normal business hours.

All orders must be prepaid in full. Cash, checks and credit card are accepted forms of payment. Please make checks payable to LifeCare Alliance.

Order Online Now!

To order multiple pie flavors, click “Continue Shopping” on the next screen.

10-inch Pie Options


Shipping is not available for this promotion. Pie orders can be picked up at Carrie’s Cafe, 670 Harmon Ave., on Nov. 25 and Nov. 26 from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m.

LifeCare Alliance, DAV partnership provides veterans with in-home support

By Featured News, Help-at-Home, Meals-on-Wheels

LifeCare Alliance is proud to be in partnership with Disabled American Veterans as they provide grants to help fund our Help-at-Home program.

Help-at-Home provides personal care assistants and direct support care workers who assist with daily living activities such as bathing, fall prevention, and basic household chores. Living independently and safely in the comfort of one’s own home is a great source of joy in an older adult’s life. Help-at-Home ensures ill, elderly, and disabled individuals have adequate, clean, and safe housing. Last year alone, the program served 102 veterans in the central Ohio area.

The Disabled Americans Veterans Charitable Service Trust (DAV) has been serving veterans in America since 1920, and even has its origins in Ohio! The nonprofit was first organized by Judge Robert Marx of Cincinnati as the Disabled American Veteran of the World War (DAVWW). After the devastation that took place during World War I, Judge Marx and other organizers noticed veterans were not getting adequate care. They started the DAVWW locally, and then formed the national organization in 1921 with the purpose of “building better lives for all of our Nation’s disabled veterans and their families.”

Almost one hundred years later, the DAV continues its mission of serving veterans in need of assistance.

As a result of support from the DAV Charitable Service Trust, Help-at-Home has been able to provide continuous, ongoing services to veterans needing assistance with personal care and daily living activities. If veterans are injured or have disabilities, it is crucial to provide this safety net service which allows them to remain in their homes. Homemakers also provide a critical daily visit to these individuals, which serves as a health and well-being check-in to ensure that all of the client’s needs are met. Typically, these homebound individuals would be socially isolated if not for these visits.

Many Help-at-Home clients also receive a daily nutritional meal and visit through Meals-on-Wheels, but need additional services like the ones provided by Help-at-Home in order to continue to live a vibrant life. For example, an individual who requires a walker for mobility can get around enough to live on their own, but lack the ability to clean their bathroom efficiently without the possibility of falling. A clean living environment is vital to keeping clients healthy and safe in their own home.

Without funding partners like the DAV, LifeCare Alliance would not be able to serve our veteran neighbors with responsive, compassionate, and quality care. Thank you to the DAV for your steadfast commitment to build and strengthen the lives of our nation’s veterans!

Judge Robert Marx

Garden Product from ScottsMiracle-Gro Helps LifeCare Alliance Nourish the Human Spirit

By Featured News, LA Catering, Meals-on-Wheels, Volunteers

For over 150 years, The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company has been contributing to the success of central Ohio’s gardens.

Recently, LifeCare Alliance was awarded garden product from this stalwart of the community in the form of:

  • 75 bags of Garden Soil
  • 25 bags of Topsoil
  • 15 bags of Mulch
  • 35 bags of Plant Food
  • 20 bags of Hummus & Manure.

Using these products in gardens located at 1699 W. Mound St. and 670 Harmon Ave. has allowed LifeCare Alliance to cultivate a number of herbs and fresh vegetables for use in our flagship dining center, Carrie’s Café, and for the Agency’s social enterprise, L.A. Catering.

For the 2019 growing season, a volunteer tends the Mound Street and Harmon Avenue gardens. Mr. Lynch has volunteered with LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program since November of 2013. Through this work, he visits elderly and homebound clients to deliver hot, nutritious meals, as well as to provide a basic wellness check. His contribution has truly helped Nourish the Human Spirit as he has devoted countless hours to the success of our gardens this growing season.

LifeCare Alliance Chef Rob Harrison and Catering Director David Imwalle estimate that the gardens have produced about 80 pounds of tomatoes thus far this season, and they are still yielding additional fruit. The Mound Street garden has also produced Brussels sprouts, carrots, scallions, and tarragon, while the Harmon Avenue garden has produced at least one pound each of parsley, cilantro, sage, basil, oregano, jalapenos, and banana peppers.

At Carrie’s Café, the herbs are used to season soups and daily entrees since fresh herbs are often more flavorful than dried. The tomatoes are added to the daily selection of salads. Clients enjoy knowing they are eating produce that was just harvested from the gardens on LifeCare Alliance property. It adds a lot to their experience of dining at Carrie’s. L.A. Catering features the tomatoes on platters of fresh vegetables, in salads, and for stir frys. All proceeds of both entities are funneled back into the Agency to continue serving clients with our core values of compassion, accountability, respect, excellence, and sustainability at the forefront.

The overall benefit of the garden project to the community has been the ability of LifeCare Alliance to continue providing healthy, delicious meals to its clients. The health and nutrition services that LifeCare Alliance provides directly contribute to an individual’s ability to remain safe and independent in the comfort of their own home. AARP estimates that Ohio taxpayers fund nursing home care at an average annual cost of $78,840 per person. By serving these same individuals at home for a fraction of that cost, LifeCare Alliance saves taxpayers money while serving the community. When individuals receive the appropriate nutrition levels and regular health assessments, potentially debilitating and costly health outcomes are prevented.

Garden product support from The ScottsMiracle-Gro Company allowed the Agency to continue to serve all clients in need, regardless of an individual’s ability to pay, while operating without a waiting list for services. By providing its own stream of revenue through social enterprise, LifeCare Alliance is securing sustainable funding for all of its programs for years to come. Thank you, ScottsMiracle-Gro!

LifeCare Alliance helps veteran fix costly code violations with help of Team Depot, Meals on Wheels America

By Featured News, Home Repairs, Meals-on-Wheels

LifeCare Alliance, with the help of a grant from Meals on Wheels America and Team Depot, helped a local veteran with home repairs that improved safety hazards and helped avoid costly city code enforcement violations.

Richard is an Army veteran who spent two years in Korea in 1970-71. His home was in need of repairs to the front concrete steps, as well as missing gutters and fascia boards.

“The repair that was completed by LifeCare Alliance and Home Depot changed my life tremendously because I did not have the finances to fix the home nor did I have the finances to pay the code violation fine,” Richard said.  “I just wanted to add that the contractors did fantastic job and I really appreciate all that you were able to do for me to get me out of the hole.”

LifeCare Alliance has worked with the City of Columbus Code Enforcement Department to help veterans with repairs to avoid going to court over code violations. Code enforcement often will grant some leniency when LifeCare Alliance is involved in veterans’ repairs, knowing that the Agency will be providing assistance.

“I am very proud to see that we live in a city that takes great pride and helping our residents instead of penalizing the underserved,” said Maurice Elder, who administers the Chores program for LifeCare Alliance. “This partnership has been great, to ensure the safety of our residents in the community who proudly served our country.”





Big Lots planning fiesta with Meals-on-Wheels clients

By Featured News, Meals-on-Wheels

Have you ever wondered about the different ways you or your organization can support the Meals-on-Wheels program at LifeCare Alliance? Sure, there are the common ways of volunteering or sending in a donation, but could there be more?

Big Lots recently found an answer to that question. The well-known retailer already gives generously to LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels program through its charitable arm, the Big Lots Foundation, and has an active volunteer base with its employees. However, Big Lots recently came up with a new way to celebrate the clients on its corporate Meals-on-Wheels route: a Fall Fiesta!!

This October, Big Lots plans to serve tacos, margaritas, and cookies from L.A. Catering to their route clients and friends at a local senior living center. The fiesta will be filled with music, games, and possibly salsa lessons!

Why are we excited about this? It is because acts of kindness like the Fall Fiesta truly mean the world to our clients. Many of LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels recipients are homebound, isolated, have a medical condition, and/or live on an annual income of less than $20,000. In addition, older adults and medically challenged individuals are at a high risk of health and nutritional problems due to physical, mobility, medical, and support system limitations.

Fortunately, there are supporters like Big Lots who go above and beyond to show clients of Meals-on-Wheels and other LifeCare Alliance programs that they care. Through these efforts, LifeCare Alliance is able to help older adult clients stay safe, independent, and engage more with life.

Learn More

Find out more about the Big Lots Foundation here:

Want to know more about how you can support LifeCare Alliance’s Meals-on-Wheels programs? Click here or call 614-278-3130.

Need to book catering for your wedding or next corporate or social event? Click here or call 614-358-LALA.

“According to the 2015 Meals on Wheels America survey 'More Than A Meal,' 87% of seniors needing home-delivered meals are physically unable to shop for their groceries. It is often the case that, besides a caregiver, the Meals-on-Wheels deliverer is the only person that a client might interact with every day of the week.”